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Hilaria fell to her knees, her body weakening almost drastically as the sound of a dragons angered roar filled the night air, causing some of the soldiers to stop as they aimed their crossbows at Hilaria, looking up at the sky in confusion. Fear filled the soldiers bodies as they watched the giant creature fly toward their sanctuary, and one never wants to mess with an angered dragon, especially one like Rogan, who landed behind his master and let out a roar. No one had known that the Supreme Sorceress actually had a dragon, they all thought it was just a story, boy were they wrong.

". . . The gate" Hilaria whispered "take down the gate"

With a simple flick of his tail, the gate was removed off it's hinges, allowing the other Narnians to escape,

"Aslan's . . . How" she whispered

Hilaria began to fall forward, causing Rogan to catch her in his front paws, letting out another angered roar at the sight of his hurt master, breathing fire for the first time to one of the buildings, flapping his strong wings and gaining more height, flying back to Aslan's How. Black spots had began to cloud her vision, knowing she wasn't going to be able to remove the arrow on her own, but knowing she needed to stay awake. She didn't feel the pain from the arrow through her body, the pain came from her wound trying to heal itself around said arrow and she knew that it could not happen and will not happen as long as she stayed awake. A sob emitted from Hilaria, tears rushing down her cheeks, which were quickly blown away from the wind, watching as the trees quickly flew by.

Rogan let out a roar, landing on his back legs first, flapping his wings so he could properly keep his master in his hands,

"Hilaria!" Lucy yelled in worry

Susan ran out, pushing her little sister back slightly and slowly approaching Rogan, holding up a hand, which caused him to slowly set his master in the floor, Susan gasping in horror at the sight of an arrow sticking out of her stomach,

"Is she . . ." Edmund trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence

". . . The arrow" Hilaria gasped "you need to remove it. My wound is trying . . . to heal around it"

"Thank God" Susan sobbed "we need to get you inside, quickly"

Rogan began to shrink down, enough to where he can fit through the entrance of Aslan's How, picking up Hilaria as gently as possible and flying inside, the Pevensie siblings running after him, Narnians moving away in fear at the sight of the dragon, who flew into Hilaria's potion chamber. He set her on the stone table on her side, Susan entering the chamber soon after,

"Break the arrow head off" Hilaria instructed "pull it out from the back, quickly"

Susan hesitantly did as said, knowing that Rogan was eyeing her closely, breaking off the arrow head and quickly pulling the rest out of her back, which caused her back to arch in pain, rolling on her back and looking at the front part if her wound, also seeing that her dress had been ruined,

"I liked this dress" Hilaria said with a pained laugh,

Hilaria sucked in a breath, closing her eyes as she began to feel the wound mend itself and slowly close on it's own, Susan dropping the bloody arrow on to the floor, watching her dear friend in pain,

"Isn't there . . . a- a potion or something?" She asked, looking at her shelf

"It's done" Hilaria replied, her breathing slightly heavy "you did good, Susan. You did good" slowly pushing herself up, tucking a lock of her ombre hair behind her ear "I'll be sore for a little while," looking at Susan "thank you"

"Don't ever ask me to do that again" she said, half serious

Hilaria drew an X over her heart with her finger, causing Susan to smile slightly,

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