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A battle gryphon soars through the sky, taking in the sight of the White Witch's army, Hilaria was at the ready, atop a black horse and at the side of Peter, as much as he didn't want her to be there, the twelve year old was very stubborn, and he lost that fight. Oreius was on the other side of Peter, all armor on, though Hilaria felt as if she didn't need it, even though the battle field was no place for a child, she knew that this needed to be done. The gryphon landed on a rock in front of Hilaria,

"They come, your highness" he informed "in numbers and weapons far greater then our own."

"Numbers do not win a battle" Oreius said, looking at the approaching army

"No, but I bet they help" Peter commented

The Witch soon arrives, no longer wearing her ice dress, but one that had been especially made for battle, wearing Aslan's mane around her chest and shoulders, her carriage being pulled by two polar bears.

"I take no interest in prisoners" Jadis informed Otmin "kill them all"

The first front of her army charges, causing the gryphons to fly over head, carrying large rocks in their talons, dropping them on the charging army, some of the rocks instantly killing, others missing,

"Look to the sky!" Otmin ordered

Archers on the ground shoot up to the sky, aiming at the gryphons, some of them going down, but all Hilaria knew is, the battle truly began at that moment.

"Are you with me?" Peter asked, looking at Oreius

"To the death" Oreius answered honestly

Peter looks to his other side, seeing that Hilaria had been looking to the sky, watching as the gryphons went down, he didn't want her there, but she was part of the prophecy whether he liked it or not. Letting out a slightly calming breath, he lowered his helmet, looking toward the battle field,

"Are you ready, Brutus?" Hilaria asked her horse, even though he couldn't talk, he still nodded

"For Narnia, and for Aslan!" Peter shouted

The army let out war cries, charging into battle.


Back to the girls at the Stone Table Lucy and Susan wake up, not wanting to leave Aslan, but they knew they needed to help the others,

"We should go" Susan said softly

"I'm so cold" Lucy muttered

They reluctantly stand from the Stone Table, beginning to walk in the direction of the battlefield, only to stop in their tracks at a sound of a crack, Lucy turned around to look at the table,

"Susan!" Lucy said, causing her sister to turn around

"What have they done?" She asked

Aslan appears, alive and well, his mane grown back to what it originally was, looking at the two Pevensie sisters,

"Aslan!" The girls exclaimed happily

They wan up to him, wrapping their arms around him, Aslan laughs lightly,

"We saw the Witch, the knife." Susan said in confusion as they pulled back slightly

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic a little differently." Aslan replied "for she would know that if a willing victim who had committed no treachery died in a traitors stead," circling the Stone Table "the Stone Table would crack . . . and death itself would begin to unwind"

"We sent the word that you were dead" Susan said "Peter, Edmund, and Hilaria would have gone to war"

"We have to help them" Lucy said, drawing her dagger

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