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'For reasons beyond my comprehension' Eustace wrote in his journal 'we've taken the advice of a senile old coot, who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing gown. So we're back in this tub and lost in a tempest. Brilliant!'

"Hold!" One of the crew members shouted

"Three spokes to starboard" Drinian ordered

"Aye-aye, sir" a one of the crew said

"More pails here" Drinian ordered

"Pass it down!"


'Fourteen days of being tossed like a pancake and not the slightest sign of land' Eustace write 'The only consolation is, everyone is finally as miserable as I am. Except for that show-off talking rat, the wannabe king and that beautiful woman- those two being attached at the hip. The rat is one of those annoying glass-is-always-half-full types'

"So we're stuck here at half-rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum" Drinian said to Caspian, Hilaria and the two Pevensie siblings "this is your last chance to turn back, your Majesties. There's no guarantee we'll spot the Blue Star anytime soon. Not in this storm"

"We've come too far to turn back now" Hilaria said

"Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place" Edmund commented

"We could sail right past it and off the edge of the world" Lucy mused

"Or get eaten by a sea serpent" he replied with a joking smirk

"I'm just saying the men are getting nervous" Drinian said "these are strange seas we're sailing, the likes of which I've never seen before"

"Then perhaps, Captain, you would like to be the one to explain to Mr. Rhince that we're abandoning the search for his family" Caspian said, crossing his arms over his chest

". . . I'll get back to it" he said after a moment "just a word of warning. The sea can play nasty tricks on the crew's mind. Very nasty."


That night was plagued with nightmares. Lucy casting a spell on herself to make her beautiful, instead turning her into Susan, going to America with her two brothers, never knowing about Narnia, the world never existing. Hilaria was having nightmares of her own, where her parents were constantly hurting her while she was a grown woman, but for some reason, her power wound not work to aid her. The worst part about it, was when the large scar on her back slowly opened, and as much as she tried to scream, no sound would emit from her, and no one was there to save her when she needed it the most.

Hilaria shot up in a sitting position with a gasp, flinching away when a hand was placed on her shoulder, her gaze snapping over to Lucy, who looked at the sorceress with concern and slight hurt in her eyes,

"Bad dream?" Lucy asked softly

"The worst" Hilaria replied honestly "I uh . . I think I'm going to get some air" slowly climbing off the bed

"I'll come with you" she said softly, following Hilaria

The sorceress put her bag over her shoulders, walking out with Lucy, who had wrapped herself in a small blanket, the cold night air enveloping both of them, a small sigh emitting from Hilaria as she looked up at the stars, wanting to check on Caspian to see if he was okay.

"Father!" Caspian said in his sleep "father . . ."

'Edmund. Edmund. Come with me. Join me.' the voice of the White Witch echoed through Edmund's mind

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