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Glozelle rides back towards the Telmarine army, a few soldiers rush at Peter, only to have Hilaria stand straight, slowly raising her hands and shooting them out, a small blast killing the soldiers instantly, Peter giving her a nod in thanks,

"To arms, Telmar!" Glozelle shouted "to arms!" causing the soldiers to raise their weapons and yell out "cavalry . . . charge!"

The Telmarines charge, Peter looks back at Caspian and Hilaria, both of them giving him a nod, Caspian mounting Brutus and riding back into the How, where hundreds of Narnians wait inside

"Narnians! Charge!" Caspian shouted

With Caspian leading the way, the Narnians charge down a tunnel beneath the battlefield,

"One, two, three . . ." Peter counted

"Four, five, six . . ." Caspian counted to himself

"Archers to the ready!" Susan shouted, the Narnian archers put arrows to the string,

"Seven, eight, nine" Hilaria counted to herself "get ready!"

"Take your aim!" Susan shouted

"Now!" Caspian shouted

The Narnians underground begin smashing the stone pillars, causing the ground collapse and most of the Telmarine horses fall into the pit,

"Fire!" Susan shouted

The arrows flew from the archers, flying into the pit, hitting Telmarines, at the end of the underground tunnel, two dwarfs lower a platform, Caspian leads the Narnians out into the sun, and circle around to the Telmarine cavalry. A soldier climbs out of the pit, and sees Reepicheep in armor,

"You're . . . a mouse" the soldier said

"You people have no imaginations!" Reepicheep exclaimed

The battle continues, Peter looks up at Susan and she shakes her head slightly

"Lucy . . ." He trailed off, looking at the Telmarine army, raising his sword, "back to the How!"

The Narnians begin retreating towards Aslan’s How, Hilaria raised one of her hands as she saw Caspian riding toward her, the prince grabbing her arm and hoisting her up behind him, the sorceress drawing an arrow back and letting it fly,

"Cut off their escape!" Sopespian ordered

The Telmarine trebuchets launch rocks at the How, debris from the How falls down and blocks the entrance, rocks fall around the archers,

"Brace yourselves!" Susan screamed

Susan falls, Trumpkin tries to catch her, but she slips and falls down to the next level, joining the others. They look around and see they are surrounded, and the Telmarines are closing in,

"Crush them all" Sopespian ordered

Edmund draws his sword, they all exchange glances, then they charge, Peter leading the way.

"Now might be a good time!" Caspian shouted behind him

". . . Rogan!" Hilaria screamed


Lucy rides on, pursued by a Telmarine on horseback, then out of no where, Aslan jumps out and roars, causing Destier to rear back and Lucy to fall off. She looks up at the lion, watching as he jumps over her head, knocking the soldier off his horse, allowing Lucy to run to the top of the hill and there he stands, with the soldier running away in the background. The lion looks at her,

"Aslan!" Lucy exclaimed happily, running towards him, wrapping her arms around him, "I knew it was you. The whole time, I knew it. But the others wouldn't believe me"

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