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Hilaria and Caspian were in the potion room, a smile on the sorceresses lips the entire time, which is something that the prince loved to see. No one had been able to make her smile this much, except when it came to her father, and Caspian had been meaning to ask her about that since he had seen the carving of the great lion and Hilaria together,

"So, Aslan . . . he's your father?" Caspian asked

". . . Not by blood" Hilaria replied,

She walked over to the table, leaning back against it, Caspian walking over to her, hands softly grasping her waist and picking her up, as if she weighed nothing and gently sitting her down, causing a smile to form on her lips when Caspian hopped up next to her. Looking at him, she slowly raised a hand and softly ran her index finger nail along his forehead, showing him everything as she began to tell him her story,

"I was born during the winter season of Narnia" she continued, lowering her hand "when the White Witch claimed herself to be queen" seeing that Caspian was listening closely, and seeing everything she said "my birth parents . . . they had been under the influence of her evil ways and didn't like the fact that my heart was pure and . . they decided that harming me would do the trick" causing Caspian to stiffen "which is why I believe that everyone should show off their scars"

"How did you come to meet Aslan?" Caspian asked softly

"In the woods" she replied "I was wounded, losing a lot of blood. I tried to get as much distance as possible and had done so, a Dryad found me before I fainted, she personally sent word to Aslan" tucking a lock of her ombre hair behind her ear "he, along with two soldiers found me, I was dieing, I could feel it and I accepted it" looking at him "but it wasn't my time, and he gave me half of his soul, brought me back to the camp and took care of me since then. Everyone cared for me, but he raised me"

She smiled softly at the thought of when Aslan taught her many things about Narnia, who resided in the world, and even showed her many things, the Dryads had taken a liking to her, the trees dancing more with her around, birds singing, as if all of Narnia knew who she was and who she was going to become.

"He allowed me to call him father, and in a way, he was" Hilaria said softly "the half of his soul he had given me had merged with my own, creating a new life, one that even he cannot destroy"

Caspian had watched her story, almost as if he had lived through it, getting a glimpse of the large scar on her back and one on her abdomen, not liking the fact that someone had harmed her and had caused her body to scar. Hilaria softly placed a hand on his clenched fist, which he didn't even know he had done, causing him to slowly relax his body, looking down at their hands, slowly unclenching his hand and rotating it. Lacing his fingers with hers, a soft smile formed on her lips, resting her head on his shoulder, which caused a smile to form on his lips, resting his head on hers in return.

He thought she was beautiful, yes, but there was more to her than just beauty. Hilaria carries a past like no other Narnian, having the privilege of receiving half of Aslan's soul and having such power that she only uses for the good of her people, she was very different- in a good way- and he liked that. She carried scars from her past life and he knows she's not afraid to show them, believing that others should show off their scars whenever they can, no matter what others may or may not think. The only thing Caspian couldn't believe was the fact that the sorceress had golden blond hair and soft brown eyes before, but he would rather have her ombre hair and deep blue sapphire like eyes.

"Not many others know of my past life" she said softly "those who do have passed on, either from old age or the Telmarine soldiers. The Pevensie siblings only know bits and pieces, basically only knowing that I was given half of Aslan's soul to save my life"

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