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'Dear diary, there has been an extraordinary turn of events' Eustace wrote in his journal 'I've been abducted by my cousins and set adrift in uncharted waters in some ridiculous-looking boat. What's worse is I share quarters with an obnoxious mouse thing. And I thought bunking with my cousin was bad enough. So far, every person I've met in this strange place suffers from the most florid delusions. Chasing green mists and looking for lost lords. I can only assume that this is the result of poor diet. Or they're all just barking mad. Cousin Edmund is no exception. He spends every spare second rubbing that tin sword of his like it's some magic lantern. Poor fool clearly needs a hobby'

"It's going to be magnificent" Reepicheep complimented "do they come in a smaller size?"

'Peeving marmot!' Eustace wrote 'He's even more deluded than my cousin. In England, we have mouse traps for that sort of thing.'

"Speaking of food, you don't know where I could get any, do you?" Eustace asked a seagull

"Uh, why are you talking to that bird?" A crewman asked

"I just naturally assumed, since you can . . ." Eustace trailed off

"He's talking to birds!" The worker exclaimed to the crew, causing them to laugh

"He's mad as a loon, that one. Yeah!" Another said

"Shoo!" Eustace said to the seagull "go on, get off!" causing it to fly away


Hilaria was standing in the font corner of the ship, eyes close as her head was raised slightly to the sky, enjoying the warmth of the sun gracing her skin, a soft sigh emitting from her nose. Rogan had been down below, still in his travel size, but that didn't stop him from swimming in the ocean and hunt fish for himself, occasionally looking up to make sure his master was still there, wanting her to be safe, especially after what happened in the Lone Islands.

"There you are" Caspian said as he spotted her, walking up the steps "I've been looking for you, my love"

"I've been here" Hilaria replied softly, her eyes still closed "just enjoying the sun" a smile slowly forming on her lips as his arms wrapped around her waist from behind "and since we've been at sea, I've needed to draw my energy from the sun"

"We'll find land soon" he assured, placing a soft kiss to her exposed shoulder

"I know" she replied, placing her hands over his

Caspian gently turned her around to where she faced him completely, her arms wrapping around his neck, letting her place her head on his shoulder, which only gave him the opportunity to place his head on hers, just enjoying the fact that she was close to him. From below, Lucy was looking at them with a small smile on her lips, happy about the fact that Hilaria had someone to take care of her when Aslan was away. When both of them were alone, they always had that special moment, being that they hadn't seen one another in so long, they had spent as much time as they could together, and no one wanted to disturb them.

A small sigh emitting from her nose as he softly ran his fingers up and down her back, her breathing fanning over the exposed skin of his chest, his hair tickling the skin of her forehead, which caused a small smile to form on her lips. Her fingers softly played with his hair,

"I quite like your hair" she said softly

His chest vibrated with a soft chuckle, Caspian curling a finger under her chin, raising her gaze to meet his, watching her lips turn into a soft smile as his thumb caressed her cheek, Hilaria letting him lean down, softly connecting their lips together, Caspian pulling her impossibly closer to him. Whenever they had their own moment, it felt like everyone around them just faded away, only leaving the two of them alone in their own world. Slowly pulling back, Caspian let the kiss linger, softly resting his forehead against hers, her eyes fluttering open, which instantly connected with his, letting him reach up to tuck a lock of her ombre hair behind her ear.

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