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Years passed, more than you can count on both hands, Hilaria needed herbs, she couldn't wait any longer, Ragnar and Torianne had filled her in on what the Telmarines had been planning, which wasn't much, except for capturing and killing any Narnian they come across, which meant that Hilaria needed to be extra careful going out. With the hood to her black cloak above her head, Rogan flying overhead to ensure her safety, two woven baskets in her hands with her bow and quiver of arrows strapped to her waist, she walked through the woods with her bare feet, making her way to the location of where she gets her herbs.

She will have to pick them by the root and take them back to Aslan's How to be planted in her potion room, needing as much as it took to fill both baskets to the rim. The Telmarines had died down during the time she had the others begin to make weapons, but she watched in horror as they had destroyed Cair Paravel, taking what was left of her potions, pots, herbs and candles as soon as she could and taking them back to Aslan's How. She didn't know how someone could just take what didn't belong to them just because their former home had been struck with famine and death, they had no right to destroy Cair Paravel or endanger the Narnian life.

Shaking her head slightly, she cleared her mind of this thoughts, knowing what's done is done and the past can not be changed, there is only the choices made in the present time that can alter the outcome of the future. Her footsteps were quiet as she made her way through the woods, picking up the ends of her dress and jumping off a foot high ledge, which told her that she was nearing the clearing where her herbs were located. Some time after the Pevensie siblings claimed the thrones of Cair Paravel, Hilaria had planted some herbs in the same clearing she was currently heading to, a place where only she knew.

That clearing was the perfect spot for good sunlight and easy access to fresh water to ensure that the herbs grow, a small sigh in relief emitted from her as she reached the small clearing, grabbing the handheld shovel from her baskets and quickly getting to work. She began to lift every single herb, one by one and place them in the basket, and when they were, she packed the hole with fresh dirt, then covered it with leaves and twigs, making it look untouched. With her hood still over her head, she worked on the herbs until both baskets were full and the clearing was empty, a puff of air emitting from her lips as she stood straight and dusted the dirt from her dress.

Lifting the baskets, she carried one on each arm, beginning to make her way back, knowing that some of her people are going to be worried if she didn't return soon, the Telmarine soldiers are more active at night when they can catch Narnians at their most vulnerable. But she still had time, climbing over the foot high ledge, Hilaria continued to walk through the wood with Rogan flying above her, only stopping when she heard a familiar neigh of a horse, which caused her to look around, attempting to pinpoint the exact location. She could tell all different horses by their neighs, and this one really sounded familiar.

"Hmm" Hilaria hummed

The sound of a neigh filled her ears once more, which caused her to walk in another direction, following her instinct, and where the earth beneath her feet told her to go, a small sigh emitting from her nose. Hilaria looked up at Rogan when he let out a small roar, seeing that he was holding an orange in his talons, which caused a smile to form on her lips, catching it when he dropped it.

"Thank you, Rogan" she said

With the holes already made by his talons, Hilaria easily peeled the orange, dropping the peelings on the floor, which caused the earth to instantly gobble it up, also helping Hilaria from being followed or having the Telmarines follow the trail to Aslan's How. The orange was sweet and juicy, filling her with more energy and nourishment as she she trekked her say through the woods, finishing the last slice as she slowed down, hearing the sound of a neigh much closer. She crouched down behind a bush, moving some of the branches away, seeing an all too familiar black stallion galloping away from a boy that looked to be around her age, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion.

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