Ch 5: Aph's Advice

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*Zane's POV*

It's been a few weeks now and Travis has been growing more and more distance he is always going out and I never get to see him anymore. I've been trying to talk to him but every time I see him and mention it be makes up something or acts all lovely.

Today I'm hanging out with Aphmau today. Haven't seen Travis. I get ready and put my clothes and mask. I see my white, half heart necklace laying on my desk. I grab it and put it in my pocket.

I head out the door and to Aphmau's house. When I get there I knock on her door.

It opens with a short potato looking up at me. "Hey Zane!" She says.

"Hey Aph." I say tiredly, as I walk in. I follow Aphmau to the living room and sit on the couch.

She looks me down and after a second says, "Zane what's wrong?"

"What you taking about nothing it wrong!" I say not wanting to explain it.

She looked me in the eye and said, "Your wearing your mask again, your eyes are bagging, and your not wearing your necklace anymore. What. Is. Wrong."

I sigh and tell her, "Travis has been getting more distance ever since Christmas. He always out to who knows where! And whenever I bring it up he changes the subject or just asks all lovely. Aph I don't know what to do anymore!" My eyes start to water.

"Zane," She says coming in to hug me. I can't hold it in anymore and start to cry.

"I don't even know if he loves me anymore." I blurted out.

Aph keeps hugging me and says, "ZuZu, of course he still loves you, maybe he's just really busy with things he doesn't want you to know about."

After a bit I start to calm down and Aph let's go of me. "Zane, you need to sit Tracis down and ask him about it and don't let Hume leave."

I nod, "Thanks Aph."

"No problem. Now go home and get some rest, I can tell you haven't slept, and I won't watch and Little Horsey without you ok?" Aph says with a smile

"Ok." I say. We get up and we go over the door. I say bye and thanks again to Aph and go home and sleep.

Aphmau is the person who can help you when you need it. I hope that with Aph's advice that I can break thro to Travis and he can tell me what's going on.

Hopefully I won't lose him.

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