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She picked up her bag, ready to stuff her file into it, when a girl's silvery voice, doused in a familiar accent, interrupted her.

'Oh hey, Rue!'

She turned around to see none other than Sienna; the girl from the secret dog incident, leaping towards her. Her light hazelnut coloured hair floated like a cloud behind her, almost as if sunlight was trapped inside it.

'What're you doing here? Aren't you in design?' Rue asked, feeling rather rude after saying it so harshly.

'Yes! I came here to get some inspiration!'

Rue looked at her quizzically.

Sienna just flashed a shy smile.

'Inspiration? From a bunch of half-dead students who are all having a collective quarter-life crisis?'

The Italian girl laughed, her sound resonating in the air. Rue noticed a few heads turn towards her. Not many of them knew her, she supposed. Neither did she herself. She knew that Sienna was a first year. But she'd earned herself quite the reputation of being quirky.

Not that quirky was bad.

Quirky was good; it gave her individuality.

'I suppose that's true. But I don't think many of you even notice the little details. I like observing people, it helps me with my designing.'

'I wish I could understand people as well as you,' Rue scoffed at herself.

'Hey, stranger,'

Rue turned around to see Avery standing just a few inches behind her. Had she turned any further, she would have probably crashed into his arms. Red spots began tinting her cheeks as she pushed all irrelevant thoughts down.

Sienna gave her a silent farewell and walked off to meet her other friends.

There was a glint of mischief in her eyes, directed at Rue, almost as if she knew something that even Rue didn't.


'I wanted to ask,' he nervously rubbed the back of his head, 'Will you come to see me play at the lacrosse game tonight?'

She stood still.

'You play lacrosse?!'

'Uh, yeah?'

'Wow, that's... I mean that's great. I've heard that the lacrosse team doesn't take in just anyone... you must've been...'

She cut herself off seeing the sheepish grin on his face.

'When is it?'

'Half past seven. On the field. Maybe if you come a bit earlier I can get a chance to say hi.'

She didn't say anything.

His face was expectant, maybe even losing hope.

'Fine. I'll come. Does seven-fifteen work for you?'

He grinned.

'Sure it does.'

She smiled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. Placing her hands on her waist, she gave him her best "good luck" phrase.

'Then you better get your game on, Black.'


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