| third law |

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It was almost a week and a day since the lacrosse game.

After that, Rue hadn't seen the blue haired wonder boy at all.

She walked through the hallway, clutching her books close to her chest. The first term was almost ending. And with every passing second, came the dread of examinations.

Would she do okay?

No one knew that, but the future.

And the now.

Rue turned the key in the doorknob, pushing it open. Another stream of thoughts clouded her head. The first was why Avery Black hadn't attended any class the whole week. Placing the stack of books on her desk, she collapsed into the swivel chair. Her left cheek rested in the palm of her hand as her thoughts drifted off into the air.

Only then did she realise how little she knew about him.

After meeting him, he'd always managed to clash paths with her and she'd gone along with it. Never had she really made any attempt of her own to get to know him. It almost made her laugh; how naïve. She hadn't even noticed his presence when he was there. Now in his absence, he felt like nothing more than a stranger.

All she knew was his name, the colour of his hair and that he had an older brother.

That was it.

She wasn't sure if she was worried about him, if she missed him, if she didn't care and this was just another way to kill boredom, or if she actually wanted to get to know him.

She hated it. The confusion and the emotions. But she loved it. And that confused her even more, up to the point where she didn't even recognise her own feelings. She didn't know who to talk to. June was there, of course. But would she really understand? Would putting her feelings out there help her, or would they just envelope her into a infinity cycle until she convinced herself that it had to be so? Would she be disappointed, then, if things didn't turn out the way she assumed they would?

With a soft sigh escaping her lips, she got up to get down to business.

Was she really doing this?

Yes. Said one part of her head.

Are you crazy? Said another.

Probably. She said to both.

It was a stupid thing to be nervous about. But oh well, that's how human emotions are. What Rue didn't realise what that things in this world work according to Newton's Third Law Of Motion (yes, you geeks, you know what I'm talking about.)

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The only question here was would the reaction be a good or a bad one?


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