| a war of words |

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He sat as rigid as a pole, arms crossed across his chest as he watched Xavier walk up to his seat at the opposite end of the round table. The older Black brother pulled at the hems of his pinstriped jacket, clearing his throat as he took his place.

Everyone fumbled with their things.

His presence itself was intimidating and manipulating. Avery knew all too well that Xavier would definitely have some sort of game up his sleeve.

But he was ready. If not anything else, he knew who he was dealing with and he knew just how to get in his head. If Xavier was going to mess with him, he'd have his defences up.

They were brothers, after all.

Had to have some similarities.

'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Please, excuse my delay. I had to see to... some important paperwork.'

Avery narrowed his eyes.

'No worries, no worries! Shall we begin?' Asked Mr. Wellington, a stout man, who was nervously laughing as if Xavier had just cracked a joke.

He smiled back, noticing that his presence had affected the man. His smile was toxic; the kind that would enchant you towards itself, but by the time you realised what the motive was behind it, it would be too late.

'Of course,'

'Well, alright. Xavier, you may begin your argument against the one Avery holds. He has already made his speech.' Added Miss Leighton; a grim faced blonde woman.

'I see. Well then, let me begin.'

It took all of Avery's self-restraint to not punch Xavier then and there, as he spoke. His bitter words were sugar coated and delivered with the eloquence of a man well-versed in language. Avery's eyes drifted along the faces sitting around him to gage by their expressions, who had been swayed and who hadn't.

It wasn't until Xavier directed a comment at him, that he snapped out of his thoughts.

'Do you really want a child running your money and your business?'

The men and women gulped.

Xavier smiled.

Avery remembered Rue's words.

'Call out on your brother. But in a slightly more polite way?'

Avery mirrored his brother's smirk, earning a raise of the eyebrow from him.

'That's nice, coming from someone who has been away for ten years. You may have studied your own business Xavier, but I'm the only one who is aware of mum's methods and what happens in this business.'

He paused.

'That's why I'm the one who knows how to develop our weaknesses and work ahead with our strengths.'

'That is quite a valid point...' another man pointed out, trailing off when he saw Xavier glaring at him.

'Alright, we will halt here. The final judgement will be passed at the meeting this Friday. I wish both the parties good luck.' Miss Leighton remarked in a sharp voice, picking up her files. The audience began to slip out of the room.

As she left, she gave Avery a curt nod.

He was grateful.

The last thing he saw before he walked out, was Xavier clenching his fists.


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