Can we do it?

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Just merely 2 days have passed by since that last incident. He had swore to  distance himself the alpha male but something inside his heart hated it. Something inside his heart was telling him the alpha was suffering. All they can pass each other are guilty smiles. Or even brief moments of secrecy were all they needed was to chat or gaze at each other lovingly... Even the silence between them had  much more meaning to it than words ever did. Their flaring love which was growing stronger each day.

But Taehyung cannot forget last day which was the closest of all their interactions ever since that incident, Jungkook resting his head on the younger's lap as Taehyung watched him from above with an alluring smile, running his long fingers through the ravennetes hair...Thats when Jungkook apologised. That's when they finally made up after that tension...

"Kookie...what if you find a mate?"

"I don't even care anymore..."

Taehyung doesn't want to remember those lines though. He feels bad on even asking something like that....

"I love you"

Said neither of them to each other. But they knew it...

They knew it by heart.

By gaze.

By touch.

Today morning since the maids were home Taehyung couldn't even properly look at him fearing the reaction from the rest. He had never been so self conscious around the alpha. He didn't know what to feel... On one side was Daehyun's call of apology. And on the other side was Jungkook being a shoulder to lean on...or maybe much more than that.

It felt like Jungkook would pounce on him once he got the chance alone even though he wouldn't.

But Taehyung wasn't resisting was he? He knows what his heart wants now. It's just fear getting in the way...The fear of being judged. Jungkook was still unmated to remind himself... Taehyung cannot imagine the pain he has to go through if he interferes in his new life...with a new mate..

"Taehyung-ah ill be taking my leave now" Eun ha, their maid smiled. It was evening the time for them to leave.  Taehyung waved lightly and she made her way outside. Just as a breath of relief left Taehyungs lips, the sudden click of the door moments after the maid had exited had him shaking in fear.

"Tae.." Taehyung quickly turned away from him, his hands locked together in the front. It was so obvious from his voice how much Jungkook had been waiting for this chance now that they were together at the same place at the right time.

"Y-Yes k-kookie?"

"Can we do it today? You promised..."

Taehyung's cheeks almost burned red not processing what he just said. But then it clicked him. How desperate was that poor alpha just to spend a moment with him that he had to come home early from his busy schedule?

"Y-You mean the cake?" Taehyung slowly turned around to see Jungkook nodding. His eyes looked at him warmly, no sense of despair inside of it making Taehyung feel at calm. Last time at the kitchen was too much Taehyung had to agree. He almost lost himself. It was so obvious that they didn't need words to describe their love for each other now...Their eyes just showed it. It sparkled when they looked at each other..

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