First night.

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(A/N):The title is grand  😏😏😏 sorry

"You missed the wedding."

"I know. I missed my flight actually. But don't worry I'll be back by morning so. " The old male on the other side of the phone sighed. He knew his son wasnt much of a jolly guy so he let it be.

"I'll call you when i get back"



Warning: slight smut


Taehyung moaned as Daehyun kept hitting his sweet spot repeatedly cum already flowing down his slick tight hole. This was their second round. He wanted to knot him properly.

"A-Alpha. Hu...hurts... it h-hurts!" He took in another shaky breath as his hands were pinned on either sides of the wall and his legs wrapped around the sweating male's body making him unable to get away from his grip.

"It'll feel nice baby...f-fuck so tight..." hot tears trickled down the younger's pale cheeks his nails leaving deep scratches on the man's back . He never knew first time could be this painful. Even though he was prepped so well. Maybe it was because he wasn't ready at all.

"Alpha are we gonna sleep on the same bed?"

"Who said we're boy."

His innocent eyes didn't affect a single nerve on the alpha's body. In fact it only enraged him even more to devour and feast on him.

"A-alpha!! Alpha stop!!" Taehyung didn't know why. It  had been half an hour already and something doesn't feel alright. Why isn't he feeling good even though the man keeps saying so?

"Shh...ill be quick.." Taehyung didn't know how much quick he meant by it. His body was going numb and his feet was freezing. His hands fell to either sides of his body unmoving and his eyes slowly closed down.

"T-Tae..Taehyung??? Hey you okay??" The man stepped back making the weaker male lean towards the wall. Taehyung wasn't wrong when he said that he was actually hurting. Taehyung felt a strong sense of pain hitting his lower body and his head swung around unsteadily. The alpha quickly held him in his arms and carried him bridal style towards their king sized bed.

"T-Tae hey wake up!! " he got no response. The younger was freezing cold and his whole body had gone numb. His eyes were looking at all directions unaware of what was happening.

"Damnit!!" The alpha quickly covered the male in a blanket and ran to grab his phone to call Jin for help.

"Hyung! I know it's late but Hurry up something's wrong with Tae!! "

"What??? What happened" Jin shot up from his bed his mate's hand avoiding him from standing up.

"Hyung..i know it was dumb of me...but i  did i-it .."

Jin sighed and a long pause could be heard. His fists tightened in anger and his blood boiled

"Daehyun! What did i tell you about waiting! You guys just fucking got married like a while ago!!!! God he mustn't have not even known about this!"

"I know hyung but please just hurry up!! Please! " Jin didn't waste another second as he told the news to Namjoon and drove off with a guard.

Daehyun softly rubbed the male's cold hands and feet concern filling up his eyes. Moments later he heard footsteps towards the room and he knew who it was.

"Daehyun come on move let me just check him".

"Ok" Daehyun quickly moved away from the room giving the omega some privacy. Jin took off the blanket revealing the shivering male literally covered in hickeys deep red ones and his lips swollen. Jin took a shaky breath . Oh how wrong he was to leave a hormonal alpha with an innocent male omega...

"I know you're uncomfortable Tae but how am i supposed to know you're okay if you won't let me check ??" Taehyung compromised and stop resisting.

"Oh God that okay??? You'll be just fine hmm..w-wait-" Taehyung whined a little in pain when Jin looked lower to his thighs . There were spots of blood surrounding it. It's normal to bleed a little the first time..but this was too much.


After a few moments Jin came out of the room with a "so done" face glaring at Daehyun. Daehyun wouldnt be intimidated if it was some other omega but Jin was fierce and the aura in his eyes somehow made the other alphas bow down to him. He was also like a second mother to Taehyung.

"Is he okay??"

"Ok my foot! What the fuck were you thinking when you did that to him Jeon Daehyun??? He's a weak omega! You shouldn't have been this quick!" Jin quarelled and Daehyun listened with his head hanging low his eyes flashing red in  pain.

"I think he's fine for now. I've changed the sheets. Don't. Touch. Him. Again. " Jin warned and stormed out of the room. Daehyun sighed and looked at the body of his mate sleeping soundly on the bed. He decided to close the door and head outside as he lost his sleep anyways.


Pray 4 Tae

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