1. Morning (Afternoon)

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Note: August 8th 2015

I STILL WRITE FICS! OR more like, I'm writing fics again. So look out for that, and don't think that just because this has a lot of reads, it's my best work. ♡love, Totto.


It was sunday morning, no, it was 2pm, when Gray Fullbuster finally woke up. He yawned and stretched out his arms, slid his feet into his slippers and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

He walked into the kitchen yawning, and when he opened his eyes he saw Natsu Dragneel sitting there casually on a chair.

"Hey, stripper, I see you finally woke up," he said and stood up from the chair. "Been here waiting for you for hours. These chairs are not very comfortable."

Gray had really not expected to see his rival and best friend sit in his kitchen this morning- scratch that, afternoon.

"Why the hell are you here" the black haired male said, angry and tired.

"I just came to say thank you for the fun yesterday. Y'know, you kinda brought me to a surprise birthday party you threw for me. Still can't believe you did all that."

Natsu started walking around in the kitchen, stopping here and there looking at stuff.

Gray started to think about the night before this weird sunday.

"You were amazing on the dancefloor. And I can't believe myself for actually thinking this, what the actual fuck. I think I love you. What?  What the hell is happening with me? Did I feel like this before yesterday? I must have. I just shut it out. Now it's impossible..."

Gray stopped his thoughts.

"Well, I didn't do it all myself, so I don't get why you're thanking ME. I mean Lucy did all the planning, Erza bought all the food and she somehow managed to bring it there, Mira made all the decorations..."

"Yea yea, whatever, I'll thank them later when we get to the guild. By the way, have you eaten anything?"

Natsu had stopped walking and was now looking through Gray's refrigerator.

"No you jerk, I haven't, and I'm starving.

"And by the way, the way you moved your hips yesterday. Damn you for keeping me up all night thinking about it. But those hips though... I mean, what?"

"Hey stripper," Natsu interrupted his thoughts. "Get to the eating. I want to get to the guild as fast as possible"

"Then why did you come here?"

"Nah I thought it'd be nice with some company on the way there," Natsu closed the refrigerator door and walked to Gray, who still stood at the same spot.

"Besides, didn't think you would sleep until two."

Gray looked at the clock.

"Oh shit."

He made a sandwich with cheese and ham and ate it as fast as he could while trying to pack the food away again. Natsu was watching amused.

"God, and with him being here. Look, that bastard's laughing his ass off" He's going to bring this up later."

"Go home you shithead," he almost screamed at Natsu while running to his bedroom. Natsu just continued laughing.

Gray was really annoyed by that laughter.

But at the same time he thought it was really cute.

Goddamnit Natsu.

He was mad at Natsu for being in his house. Why was he?
"There has to be some crazy reason behind it. Why am I still thinking about his hips? Goddamnit Natsu, why do you have to be so gorgeous?"

Gray put on some clothes and walked back into the kitchen.

During the time Gray had been in the kitchen, and after he left, Natsu had thought about a few, to him, embarrassing things.

"Goddamnit Gray, you're damn sexy. Since when am I, like, in love with you? I've pushed it aside for so long but yesterday... Oh, Gray is leaving. Look at him walking, so gorgeous. How the hell can I think like this in his house? Goddamnit Gray why do I want to kiss you- shit he's coming back"

"Natsu, let's go. No time to waste, huh. you wanted to get to the guild as fast as possible, right"

"Of course, let's go!"

They were both relieved to leave the house, where only the two of them had been. It was hard for both to not start talking about their feelings that had grown stronger yesterday night.

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