14. Accident

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I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I'm sick, and I didn't have the strength to think about what to write, sorry (;

I'm trying to write, but time is a problem for me. I'll try to find some time, (and inspiration) to write at least once or twice/ week. (Hm, probably Thursdays.)

Enjoy the plot twist. (((;


A week had passed. Gray's leg was still hurt, and he couldn't go anywhere far away.

Erza had had a drinking competition with Kana the night before, (it was EPIC) and she had a massive hangover, so only Natsu and Lucy were able to go anywhere that day.

But Lucy was desperate for rent money. So even though Natsu and Lucy weren't on the best terms, they decided to do a job. (Because Lucy was way too lame to do it herself)

They met up at the guild, said bye to their friends, and walked to the train station.

They went on the train which took Lucy and the extremely motion sick dragon slayer to, basically, the middle of nowhere. Seriously, the station was located in a big forest, and no people were to be seen.

But I guess that would be the only place where a bunch of fallen trees on the "main road" would be the problem.

Natsu took the lead as they walked towards the only house in sight. The house was big and mansion-like, and a light blue-grey colour. It had four small balconies on the second floor and the roof was a dark blue, almost black colour.

Natsu and Lucy walked through the big gates and into the big flowering garden. The garden was very well taken care of, with flowers of all colours possible, and most of them were new to both of the mages.

Lucy walked up to the door and knocked, but no one opened.

"Luce, seriously, just smash the door already."

"I can't just go and break doors. I'm pretty sure this person wants their door whole."

"But we're not getting anywhere like this."

"Natsu, we're not breaking the door."

Natsu looked disappointed as he sat down on the steps. "What the hell are we doing then?"

"We wait." Lucy knocked again, and sat down beside Natsu.

Just as Lucy was about to knock again, the door flew open, and a man came rushing out.


A woman came out. She looked around 30, had long dark brown hair, braided, and she had glasses that covered most of her face. She was wearing a pink blouse and some jeans, but something about her said that she wasn't nerdy.

The man had completely ignored Natsu and Lucy, but the woman saw them and sat down beside them.

"Hi, I'm Laura. I'd guess you're here to help me with the trees." Laura smiled, not seeming at all bothered by the man leaving her.

"Yeah," Lucy said. "We are."

"Come in," Laura said as she raised from the steps. "Do you want food? Are you tired? How long have you been waiting? I'm sorry I didn't hear you knocking."

They followed Laura inside and sat down around a table in a big dining room, and soon Laura came out with some tea and cookies, and sat down as well.

"So, you come from Fairy Tail. What are your names?"

"Lucy, and that is Natsu."

Laura's eyes widened. "Salamander Natsu?"

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