Chapter 6: The Tickets

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"So it's true." Michael stated.

"What's true?" I asked him for clarification.

"That you live by yourself."


"Don't you get a bit lonely sometimes?" he asked as he walked toward the bookshelf at the corner of the living room. Numerous pictures are all shown there along with various souvenirs from all over the world.

"Yeah. A bit. But Charlotte comes by often and most of my friends have been here." I explained.

"What is this?" Calum asked as he joined Michael on the bookshelf and points out something.

"That is a shark tooth from the Polynesian Islands." i explained.

It was weird because I never thought I would meet these two and then end up talking about a dental memento from a big fish. But honestly, I would talk to them about pointless things for hours. I know I would.

"That is so punk rock." Michael said.

"You've been to the Polynesian Islands?" Calum asked me.

I shook my head and said "No. My aunt send me stuff from her travels all over the world."


"Hey, Robbie?" Michael turned and walked towards me.


"Where's the bathroom?" he asked.

"Oh. It's that door over there. It has a sign so you won't be lost." I pointed at the door on the far right.

When the door to the bathroom locked, it was just me ad Calum on the living room.



We both said t the same time. He chuckled and sat down on the couch next to me.

"This is so weird. We've been talking like old friends when we're on skype but when I came here, it's really awkward." Calum told me.

"I know." I giggled at his shyness. It was adorable. "So do you mind telling me what youre really doing here?"

"Oh yeah." He reached down to his pocket and produced a piece of paper and an ID badge. "This is for you."

He handed me two concert tickets and two backstage passes for tomorrow's show.

I almost cried.


"Oh my God, Calum. What?! I cannot believe this!!" I could not take it any longer.

So I spazzed out in front of him.

Not in the weird 'i'm-completely-mental' kind of way.

But in an excited 'wow-this-shit-is-nuts' way.

Hopefully, I looked somewhat cute while doing it.

"I'm glad you like it." Calum just said with a huge grin.

"Oh my God. Calum. Thank you." I daid as I hold the items close to my chest.

"Do you remember what you told on the first time we talked? You said that you won't be able to go to the show because you didn't get the tickets. So I got these for you AND the pass so you and your friend can hang out with us backstage."

I can only grin and smile and giggle like an idiot at this point because I am completely speechless.

Who would've thought?


Michael and Calum left my place at about 7:30 because apparently they have a curfew. I wasn't suprise. Those boys need a leash. They do whatever they want whenever they feel like it. I found out about that while hanging out with them for like 2 hours.

We didn't do anything anything worth talking about. Michael found the video games that Charlotte left the other night so we decided to play for a bit. It was a weird game with an almost shit quality but playing it was fun with Michael and Calum.

I'm probably gonna be saying this a lot in this story but the boys really are soooooooo down-to-earth and extremely fun to be around. I even forgot that they are rockstars for a moment.

When I finally went to bed, I realized that I've been blushing the whole time. I could not make myself believe what's in front of me. This wasn't a dream. This is actually happening.


"Should I go with this top? Or maybe this dress?" Charlotte asked me as she twirls around the room with clothes scattered on my bedroom floor. Charlotte is lookng for an outfit to wear to tonight's show. But she told me that there is nothing new in her closet so she's raiding mine. 

I looked up from the book I'm reading and sighed.

"Why are you making a big deal out of this show? And no matter what you wear you always rocked it."

"Hmmm. Maybe the dress is not a good idea." she ignores my comment. Honestly, this girl.

I groaned and stood up. I started to pick up some of the clothing on the floor and hang them back up on the closet.

"This is a very important day, Robbie. This will be marked in history as the day that Liam Payne fall in love with me. And it is imperative for me to look my best." she explained.

Oh yeah. I forgot to explain her obssession with Liam Payne. Charlotte is a complete Liam-girl. The girl is mental about him. After all, we're all fangirls, aren't we?

Charlotte tried on a number of outfits before settling on a loose graphic top, leather skinnys, gray vans (I pursuaded her not to wear heels because there will be a lot of pushing and shoving) and I don't even need to tell her how great she looked. She knows she looked great. She also knows that no one would disagree with her. Not even the Queen. 

It was almost 1 pm when she finished raiding my closet. Like I said. Supermodel.

"So, what are you gonna wear tonight?" Charlotte flopped down my bed with me. 

"I don't know. My best jeans and a band tee, probably. Maybe an accessory or two." I said as I close my book and put it down my bedside table.

"I'm sorry. Did I hear you right? There's something wrong with my hearing. Did you just say band tee?" 

I nodded.

Then without a warning she hit my face with a pillow.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked.

"Sure! Band tees are cute! But you have got to make an impression on Calum, Robbie! Or else he'll find another girl to chat with! We have to seal the deal!" she shouted at no one in particular and stood up. Charlotte ran to my closet and started throwing clothes on the floor. Again. 

"I just fixed my closet, Char! AND there is no deal to seal!" I said. Although my red cheeks beg to differ.

"You hush your bloody mouth or else it will be bloody." 

I did what I was told. When Charlotte has her mind set on something, she is determine to transform into a monster for it and achieve her goals. 

My only worry is what she's gonna make me wear. 



sorry if this chapter kinda sorta sucks just a tad bit. lol. it's a filler chapter but it also explains a bit about the story (i guess) i hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave a comment. i will love you forever if you did. thanks! :D

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