Chapter 9: The Pizza

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Robbie's POV

I put on my jacket and grabbed my keys from the bowl of trinkets by the door. As I was locking my flat, I heard footsteps and someone shouting my name.

"ROBBIE!" the familiar voice shouted.

I turned and saw Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael running towards me.

They're in London?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, completely shocked.

"No time to explain! We need to hide!" Michael said as they stopped in front of my building.

I looked around the street with a confused look on my face to see if there's anything wrong. I was curious as to why were they running when nothing out of the ordinary was missing.

But then I heard it.

It was faint at first but then it grew louder and louder each second.

"Oh no! What did you blokes do now?!" I walked towards them in a hurry.

"IN THERE!" Luke pointed at the empty and open van in front of my neighbor's building.

It was a spur of the moment. One second we were standing in front of my flat. The next we're all mushed inside an unknown van with Luke and Calum on either side of me, Michael laying his back on our laps and Ashton having his butt pressed against the tinted window. (Ashton was the last to get in so there was little place for him to sit. Also he had to close the car door.)

I don't even know why I'm hiding with them. Someone just grabbed my hand and I got in.

Once we're safely inside the still unknown van, a number of screaming fans ran past us, thinking that the boys are far ahead instead of stopping here to hide.

"That's a lot of girls." Ashton murmured as he looked out the window.

"Oh God. Can someone please tell me what are you boys doing here?" I asked them, still shocked by the events.

"It was a band idea." Calum told me.

"Band idea, my ass, Calum. You suggested it!" Michael added.

"Well, you wanted to go as well!" Calum retaliated.

"Shut up! We're here now, okay!" Ashton stopped them.

"Uh guys?" Luke pointed at the front seat.

We all looked up and saw a plump old lady with a toothy grin, sitting on the driver's seat.

"Oh God. I am so so sorry, Mrs. Bash. Truly." I started to explain our situation to my neighbor but she stopped me.

"Hush, dear. It's alright. I'm just glad to offer a sanctuary for you young people. Goodness! Those girls can run, can they not? Those dearies. I hope they're not at all tired from all those chasing.But looking at it now, I can see why they have the need to chase you boys." she smiled as she pointed at the guys. Their charm works for everyone, I guess.

We were dumbstrucked. Thank God for Mrs. Bash.

She cleared her throat to break the silence and said, "Well, you best be off now, deary. The girls are gone."

And she was right. The fans can't be seem anywhere. They'd probably gone off somewhere far and dispersed through the streets.

We thanked the kind old woman and got off her van. We watched as she drove off away from the building.

There we were. All 5 of us standing on the sidewalk in front of my building. Stunned. Especially me.

"So... I am sincerely flattered, you guys. I mean, a visit from 5SOS? Really? Am i dreaming?"

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