Chapter 14: The Smiles

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Charlotte’s POV

Ding dong!

“Coming!” I shouted as I ran towards the front door. When I opened it, Luke Hemmings was standing behind.

“Hey Charlotte!” he waved and smiled.

“Hey! Come in, Luke!” I said as I opened the door wider and gestured inside. “Make yourself at home.”

Luke glanced around my place and let out a long and low whistle.

“Nice apartment.” He said.

It was nice. I guess.

If you like the modern style white and steel grey furniture and designs of the whole place.

And the full size glass windows overlooking the city.

And the overly shiny electronics and appliances.

I, however, don’t like it.

It’s too rich and snobby for me.

It’s too clean and it makes me want to wreck everything on sight.

That’s why I love staying in at Robbie’s. It’s cozy and free and comfortable.

“Your parents aren’t home?” Luke asked as he followed me into the kitchen.

:My parents are rarely home.” I poured him a glass of juice and gave it.

“Thanks” he said as he drank it. “ What does your parents do that they have to leave you by yourself here?”

I shrugged and told him, “My dad is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and my mum is the editor of a fashion magazine. So yeah. They both kick arse in their jobs.”

“Don’t you get lonely sometimes?”

“No.” I smiled at him. “I have Tessa, the housekeeper, and Robbie. And now I have you guys, too!”

This is nice.

Just us friends talking. Usually I do this with Robbie but she’s not here.

Of course it would be even better if I’m talking to Liam, my betrothed ( I wish).

But having Luke here is okay, too.

“So…Where do you want to go, Luke?” I asked him.

“Robbie said you needed company so…here I am.”

“Hmmm….I was thinking maybe I’ll go to the cinema actually. Since I’ve been meaning to go.” I told him. “But if you want to do something else, that’s fine, too.”

“Alright. Movies it is.” Luke grinned.

And is it just me or is that smile totally angelic?

Nah. I’m sure a million other girls think that he’s angelic.

So off we went.


After the movies, Luke and I went to Bowen & Lewis (Martin’s café) for a drink.

“Hey, Martin!” I greeted him as I walked inside the shop with Luke beside me.

“Charlotte! How are you? And Luke, so nice of you to visit again! Oh I wish I could give you your birthday present now.” Martin said as soon as he spotted us both.

“Can I have my usual drink? And Luke,” I turned to him, “Which one do you want?”

“Uhh” he stared at the menu above us as he sat down on the bar stool. “I’ll have the Crème Brulee Ice Cream Shake.”

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