Chapter 25: The Truth

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After reconciling the brotherly bond of Ashton and Luke, Calum and Michael suddenly barged in the door, looking frustrated. Calum, not Michael.

"What's up with him?" Ashton asked Michael.

Calum walked over to Luke's bed and slumped on it, face-down. "Robbie's avoiding me again." he mumbled.

I looked at Michael who just shrugged at me.

"Why is that, Calum?" I asked.

"I don't know. Have I done anything wrong?" he looked up. "You're her bestfriend, Char. Did she say anything?"


"I knew it! You do know something!" he said as he quickly stood up and faced us.

"Wha---I didn't say a word!"

"You don't have to. I had my suspicions."

"Well, I---" I crossed my arms and went on defensive. "I'm not telling you anything."

"Oh really?" Calum said.

"Not telling."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I tell everyone here your secret, would you?"

I narrowed my eyes. "What secret?"

He smiled at Ashton and Luke then back at me.

Oh my God.

He knows!

Robbie must've told him before!

"I can see from the looks of your face that if this secret got out, it would be chaos for you." he said.

Yeah! Even more chaotic than before!

"Charlotte, he's taunting you. Don't give in." Ashton whispered to me.

Calum glared at him and said, "You know?!"


"Oh. Shit." Ashton said then he nodded gravely and mouthed to me. "Sorry."

"Alright what is going on? Adoes everybody else except me knows about this super secret thing?" Calum asked once more.

I sighed and pointed at the 4 of us. "No, Cal. We're the only ones who know."

"My whole band knows." he said.

"They kind of found out about it. And I'm still not telling you." I said.

"Well, I guess they would find out about you secret after all." he threatened me again.

"Calum, stop this right now." Michael tried to calm him down but he wasn't budging.

Fuck. He's not bluffing. He really knows about it.

"3" Calum started counting.

"Are you serious? You're really counting down?" I said, disbelieving.


Oh God. What do I do?


I'm not going to give in.

"Times up." he said. "Guys, you'd be happy to know that Charlotte has a c---"

"Robbie's leaving!" I shouted.

Calum stared at me in shock. The boys, on the other hand, were staring at the door.

I turned around saw Robbie watching us.

Oh my God.

I walked over to her and held her hand.

"Robbie, I am so sorry. Really I am. I hate myself because of this." I quickly apologized.

But she only smiled sweetly at me and said, "It's okay. I came to tell all of them anyway."

So Robbie explained everything to them about New York. Calum kept his eyes glued to his feet, jaw clenching as he scowled.

When she was finished, Robbie smiled and whispered, "Sorry."

Ashton, Luke and Michael went over to hug and congratulate her but Calum left the room.

I glanced at Robbie with worry on my face. She was staring at the door as he left. Then I watched her chase Calum outside.

Please, please, please.

Let them be okay.


Robbie's POV

I ran through the end of the hallway where Calum was yelling, "Wait! Calum!"

But he didn't wait. Finally, I caught up to him and blocked his way.

"Please, Calum." I whispered.

Then I looked up at his face and it bear no emotion. There were tears in my eyes now as I held his hand and placed it on my cheek.

"Please." I repeated.

"I don't know what to say." he muttered.

"I'm sorry."

Calum pulled his hand away and said, "Don't be."

Then he walked past me without another word.

I knew it.

I've hurt him.

Tears kept flowing and my sobs got louder as I stand in the hallway. I felt Charlotte come running into my side and wrapped me in her arms like a mother. She held me and waited for my tears to subside.



Sorry for having such a short chapter. And a sucky one too.

But I hope you like it :)

And I hope you have a Happy Halloween! :D

So vote/comment/share and stuff. 

You guys are awesome! 


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-Emi :3

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