Chapter 15: The Texts

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Luke’s POV

“Can’t….get it…out of… my…head…Urgh” Charlotte muttered as I guided her towards door to her loft.

She kept repeating those phrases and I sort of felt sorry for her. Maybe she wanted to forget something so bad that it required being really drunk.

“Luke!..Hey!....hey…you’re so tall….and sooo blonde.” She giggled.

“Thanks. I get that all the time.” I said as I sat her down on the floor.

I stooped down in front of her and started rummaging through her purse for the key. When I finally found it, I opened the door and lifted her up.

“Where’s your room, Charlotte?” I asked her, hoping for a somewhat sober answer.

“Room? …room…My room…my messy room….I have to clean it…”

That wasn’t the answer I was hoping for but I’ll have to make it work. I just have to find a messy room in this immaculately clean flat. It’s not that hard.

But by the time I was closing the fifth door, I wanted to give up searching for her room.

How big is this place?

With Charlotte stumbling beside me, I’m getting quite impatient. Not that she’s heavy or anything but because I have to keep her from breaking anything or hurting herself. And the way she leans on me so close is not helping either.

Automatically, I looked down on her and caught a glimpse of her cleavage.


I’ve been avoiding staring at her body since I saw her in this tight red dress. Charlotte is just so fit and gorgeous; it is hard to keep my eyes off of her.

“Luke…you have such bright eyes…You and Ashton…such beautiful smiles…beautiful boys… I could st-stare at you two forever and ever and ever and ever and ever…..”

I blushed and mumbled a “Thanks.”

Finally, I opened a door that reveals a room with papers scattered across the floor and clothes strewn on a chair. It was chaotic and completely different from the rest of the apartment.

I guided—lifted—Charlotte and dropped her on the bed gently.

Her dress was hiking up her legs so I grabbed the blanket and covered her.

Wouldn’t want to do something inappropriate.

She giggled at me and said, “Smile for me Luke...It’s your birthday…Happy birthday! Woo!.....You look angelic when you smile.”

And I did smile. I smiled at her.

I figured she too drunk right now and would probably not remember any of this by tomorrow.

I played along.

“Go to sleep, Charlotte. You’ll get headaches tomorrow.” I told her as I sat beside her bed, cross-legged so we’re eye-to-eye.

She rolled over to her side to face me and gathered the blankets in her chest.

“I’m in a cloud!...It’s so soft...” she giggled again.

“Yes. You’re in a cloud because you’re an angel. Now go to sleep.”

“Angels…sleep...” she yawned and finally closed her eyes.

This is not how I imagined my birthday.

But this is better.

When it seemed like Charlotte’s knocked out, I stood up and thought that I might have to sleep on the couch. I can’t leave her by herself.

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