Chapter 22: The Publication

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Robbie's POV

Sure, I was mad at Charlotte and Ashton for spying on us at the zoo but in the end I didn't really care. I had fun and I'm positive that Char had fun with Ashton, too. I could see it on her face when she came back. With the apparent flush on her cheeks, the goofy grin on her face and the stuffed monkey that she brought, Oh. She definitely had fun.

And Calum was such a darling the whole time. He kept making sure I was smiling and would lead the way around the place so excitedly I couldn't help but giggle.

"I want to feed him." he whined as we stood in front of a huge glass barrier,watching the elephant walk around his home.

"I bet he likes melons. Oh but we can't."

"I know. But I've seen elephants before and this one" he pointed at it, "is huge and wrinkly."

I laughed and joked, "Well, you should see the monkeys in Hawaii if you like wrinkly animals."

He looked at me. "You've been to Hawaii?"

"I've spent a few summers there."

"What's it like? What did you do?" he asked. I then realized that I was talking about my mother's home and the place that I haven't been in contact to for years.

"We visited my mum's family and my cousins. I've got a lot, by the way. Beaches were awesome and the food was spectacular." I gushed.

"Man, I wish I could go there." Calum told me as he led the way to the giraffes. "Tell me more."

I stilled. It's been so long since I thought about that island paradise. I was reminded how much I miss it. I've avoided the topic since my parents died because I was afraid of the pain it might cost me. But talking about it now with Calum, I've worried for nothing. He makes everything better.

"The first time my parents and I went there was when I was about a year old so I don't really know much about that trip except for what I saw in pictures." I said. "Then we went back again when I was 6 and that trip was extremely fun. I didn't want to go back to England and I was sunburned. They had to drag me out of the ocean."

Calum chuckled. "Do you want to go back?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"Of course. But I'm with you guys now and it's really hard to leave you."

"That's true. We are an awfully interesting bunch."


Martin called to check up on me and Charlotte while we were in Nashville. He was such a mother hen. Honestly. But it was nice. I miss Martin. I miss Gerri's cookies and the cafe.

This is weird. I'm like missing everyone all of a sudden.

Maybe it's because I'm gonna die soon.

That's what the cards said.

No! Wait! Fuck the cards!

I have to concentrate on the now.

Anyway, I was sitting at dinner with Charlotte and the guys. We were at their dressing room eating take-out since they ahd a show tonight. We don't really mind. It's a great way to keep their nerves in check and the same time we get to hang out with them.

While everyone else was laughing at something funny that Charlotte had said, my phone rang. I put down my food and answered the phone with a "Hello?"

"Ms. Saige. This is Patricia Seymour of Anchor Books." the lady on the other line said.

"Yes, hello, ma'am. Is-is there a problem?"

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