Chapter 28: The Interview

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The rise of book authors and writers have been going on for a while now and some of the highest-grossing blockbuster films were originally from the written word. Millions of dollars were paid to these distinguished authors but no one is as eye-catchingly brilliant and talented as Robbie Saige. With her debut novel, The Night Circus, one would wonder how this 19-year old wrote such a masterpiece that runs along the lines of Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Narnia and many more. beloved books. I've had the pleasure of interviewing the young writer about her success, her story and her future.

Will Germaine: So earlier today, you told me that the title Teen of The Century doesn't quite fit you. Why is that?

Robbie Saige: (laughs) It's a bit too much for me. I mean, there are a lot of other teens who achieved more important things than me, right?

WG: I'm sure that's true. But you did manage to be a best-selling author at 18 even without taking a course in writing.

RS: Well, anyone could do it. You don't exactly need the formal education that bad. Imagination is probably the most important part of writing. That's all there is really. Just a bunch of words conveying your thoughts.

WG: You make it sound so easy but like most people already told you, you have talent. Any tips on how to create a great story?

RS: Make it relatable. As an avid reader myself, I could say that nothing is better than having a book character know exactly what you're going through. Be it metaphorical or not. 

WG: Speaking of what you're going through, I've been told that you were on tour with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer while you were writing The Night Circus. 

RS: Who told you that? (laughs) Yes. It's true actually.

WG: Did anything happen while you were on tour that could inspire you to write the story? A romantic idea perhaps?

RS: Where did you get these questions? No. Nothing happened. The boys and I are really great friends.I try not to bother them since they are so busy but no. No romance there.

WG: Would you say that you and Calum Hood of 5 Seconds of Summer were "really great friends", as you say?

RS: Very much so. He's an absolute sweetheart. A bit sassy at times but he's great to be around. I mean, all of them are, really.

WG: There seemed to be fans 'shipping' you and him. Pictures of you two were also found online. What do you say about that?

RS: I would say that nothing was going on between Calum and me. We're just friends, like I said. And I thought this interview was about my book. (laughs)

WG: Very well. (clears throat) It's been a year since the publication of The Night Circus, readers have been dying to know if you are planning on writing a sequel. Will there be another one in the future?

RS: No. The Night Circus is not meant to have a sequel. It's a story all on its own.

WG: But do you have any further plans for it? A movie adaptation perhaps?

RS: I can't really say anything about that yet. It would be great though. And I, uhh, kind of like the way things are going now. With the book tour and all. It's all going smoothly.

WG: So you're not gonna give us any spoilers?

RS: (laughs) If it's decided, you'll be the first to know.

WG: I'm counting on you for that. (offers fist bump)

RS: (bumps fist) Absolutely.

WG: Anyway, we asked your fans on Twitter to send us questions for you. We've received a lot of entries and we'd like for you to answer some of them.

RS: Alright. Fire away.

WG: First question. @jalenblue asks "Did you based off your characters on real people?"

RS: Uhmm...Each of my characters are actually a mix of different traits from many people that I've met. So it's all a bunch of people creating one character.

WG: @wolfe_14 asks "sweet or spicy?"

RS: (laughs) Interesting question. Definitely spicy.

WG: @aljohn808 asks "Would you act as one of your characters if a movie was made?"

RS: Yes. Definitely. If I can act of course. I'd love to play Isobel coz she's the main person who was responsible for all the conflict but she was never portrayed as the villain. It would be so amazing.

WG: I can kinda see that. (laughs) Alright. Next question. @cliff_hemmoh asks "Is Marco and Celia's romance based off yours and Calum's?"

RS: A 5SOS question again?

WG: They are obviously not convinced that there was nothing between you anc Calum. I gotta say, they are persistent.

RS: There wasn't anything between us. And it is so not based off of it. I thought of Marco and Celia's relationship even before Calum.

WG: Hmmm....

RS: What? What did I say?

WG: Nothing. Anyway, @luke_is_puppy asks "Are you and Calum still together?"

RS: Oh my God.

WG: This interview just got intense. So Robbie, what do you say to that?

RS: .....

WG: .....

RS:  .....

WG: You have to answer it.

RS: Right. Sorry. (clears throat) Calum and I were never together. We were never dating. We were just really great friends.

WG: Did you ever wish for it to be something more?

RS: Uhmmm...

WG: That question was from me.

RS: Right. Well, I can't exactly say that in an interview.

WG: Very well. Thank you for this opportunity to interview you and congratulations again on the enormity of your success. (offers handshake)

RS: (shakes hand) And thank you for choosing to interview me.

WG: It was our pleasure.



Hey! Sorry about the late update. I know I missed a week but I have a perfectly good reason.

I lost my flashdrive containing the chapters of all my fanfics (including my unpublished Zayn Malik Fanfic, which will be forever gone *sob*) I'm not worried about the rest of the chapters since they're all posted here anyway. What I was stressed about were the new chapters for all fanfics. That means I had to re-type these all over again.

anyway, hope you like this chapter. I wrote it like an article in a magazine where there's like an interview and stuff. hope it's okay.let me know what you think!



HEY! Check out my new Ashton Fanfic "Close As Strangers". The first chapter was just posted! I hope you like it! :D

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