1.My one and only

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"For the last time,get up. Were going to be late for our first day of school" My brother,kris,yelled.

I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I slowly walked to the bathroom and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went back to my room to change into my school uniform. I walked out to the dining room. kris smiled and gave me a thumbs up as I said , "what?"

He looked at me and then said "We look good in the school uniforms." He gave me a weird face and then we both sat at the table.

"You know" I began "I hate starting school without mother and father" I lowerd my head.

"Yeah,me too" he said.

"We should get going!" I almost yelled as I looked at the time,I didnt want to start this whole conversation again.

We walked into school. kris led me to the schools main office and asked for our homerooms. She told us each ours and we both walked out of the office and he stopped right by the door,making me stop.

"What now?" I asked.

He reached out and hugged me,"Yah,wendy" he began , "Make lots of new friends okay?" He said.

He pulled away from hugging me and patted my shoulder, "make mother and father proud!"

"Okay" I said,giving him a weak smile.

"I'm gonna go to class now,text me if something happends,okay?" He said while walking away.

"Okay, oppa" I said and waved. I watched him turn around and walk away.

I entered my class room. The teacher stared at me for a second then said "Oh you must me our new student!"

I nodded as he told me to introduce myself. I looked at the class and said very brightly , " Hi,my name is wendy. It's great to meet all of you. Please take care of me in the future" I bowed.

The whole classroom was quiet for a minute,then everyone started to clap and cheer. I was confused. I heard people saying "she's pretty" ,"did she come from over seas?" And some guys in one corner being the loudest yelling "your beautiful".

The teacher told everyone to settle down and then said to me, "You can sit over in the back corner" and pointed next to the seat with a red haired guy with two ear buds in. I slowly walked over to take the seat.

He looked at me. I smiled. He just rolled his eyes and put his head down.

'Geeze' i thought to myself.

Class ended just like that. Everyone was dismissing and the guy next to me took out his earbuds and just sat there. I decided I wanted to make a new friend!

"Hi,im wendy" I smiled and held out my hand.

"I know,you already introduced yourself" he said. He grabbed his bookbag and walked out of the classroom.

I just sat there with my hand still out. I felt someone grab it and i noticed it was a guy," hey! Im youngjae." He smiled while shaking it ," um don't mind mark,he's just shy".

I nodded. So his name is mark!

Youngjae stood up "It's time for lunch. Want to come with me?" He asked.

"Um,sure" i stood up grabbing my bookbag and we walked out of the classroom.

My One And Only (Got7 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now