37. Flight back to korea.

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Updated authors note.

We walked through the cold morning air,With our fingers laced together. I felt like the happiest person on earth. Having mark by my side made it possible. My thoughts drift away as he starts to speak.

"So." He starts and clears his throat. I look at his side view, his lip was a little busted and had a bruise on his cheek bone. His face was pale due to this cold weather,"When we get back to korea,where are you going to find a house?" He asked me.

That question shook me,The fact that I have no place to stay worried me," I'm not sure." I said.

"You used all the money your brother gave you?" He asked hesitantly,probably wondering if it was a good idea to even bring him up,but,that was the thing. Using his money was wrong. I had never used one cent from it. I earned my own money and bought what I needed. I never had to buy a place before.

"No." I said quietly . I saw from the corner of my eye that he looked at me and nodded. I looked at our walking that was synced. His right leg went fowrard as mine did the same.


"You could stay with us.. Until you find a place. I could always help you out babe." He said softly.

I knew he could help,but I don't want any help. He didn't need to spend any time or money on me for this matter.

I just always wish Kris was still here taking care of me. Knowing I'm over eighteen seems so stupid that I need to still be taken care of,but I still feel lost. Losing my grandma was the worst. She was my last hope,and on top of that I loved her dearly.

"So,where are we going?" I asked,not even answering him. I didn't need this conversation to go on any longer.

"To Starbucks because I like the peppermint mocha. " he chuckled a little bit.

When we arrived at Starbucks,the sound of bells jingled as we opened the door. It was pretty empty in this place. The only people in here were the workers,and two men sitting down on couches with huge magazines covering their faces as they read in peace.

I went to sit down as Mark ordered our two grande sized Peppermint mocha's. I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram. Nothing special,as usual.

Mark came and handed me a drink before sitting down across from me and looking elsewhere,crossing his legs.

"Mark, when is our flight?" I asked.

He checked his watch,"About eleven o'clock." He said. It was five in the morning. The other members were still packing their things. For me I had done mine last night and same with mark. We wanted to spend our last morning in america alone.

"Want to go back to the hotel after this and help the others pack?" I asked another question.

"Sure. They should be done soon though." He said.

I sipped my drink,feeling the warm coffee go down my throat. When I removed my cup I saw mark,smiling at me. He had his chin resting on his hand,his white teeth showing.

"What?" I chuckled. I blushed a little.

"You're so cute. In all honestly,I still can't believe you are here,and,that you are mine,and that you are so beautiful." He said softly. His eyes never left mine and as I tried to not be awkward it only made it worse. I looked everywhere but him and he reached over and made my eyes lock with his by cupping my cheeks and making me look straight at him.

"I love you." He smiled angelically.


"Okay Hyung, I finished your packing!" Yugyeom yelled from the other room. I had made him pack my things since I wasn't feeling well. I had a cold coming on.

"Okay! Go ahead and finish yours!" I yelled back.

"Bambam-ah." Jb called me,"Where is my phone?" He said as he head was peaked around the corner.

"I don't know." I tried saying innocently,stuffing his phone behind my back.

Jb chuckled and came over turning me on my stomach and grabbing the phone right out of my hand.

He laughed,"Next time you're in big trouble. Understand?" He said jokingly.

I nodded my head and laid back onto my side. A knock was heard on the door and in came mark and Wendy. They were holding hands. To be honest I still like Wendy,well love her,but I'm happy for her and mark. They truly love each other and I can see it. I would never try to take her away from mark.

Because I am okay with it now.


"Okay guys lets go!!" Jinyoung yelled happily as we boarded the plane. Usually flying in the plane was always the worst part, but having alone time with Wendy made me excited. We just get to sit together for hours. Talking,cuddling and holding hands.

All passengers found their seats and waited for the announcements to come on.

We were headed to korea. I was happy, although I wished I could've seen all my family in California. I missed my Chance.

Wendy sat quietly. She stared out the window and I looked at her side view. She was beautiful, There is no way anyone could say the opposite. She stared at nothing until I slid my hand into hers and locked our fingers. She didn't pay attention because she was too busy watching outside as the plane lifted off.

After it had reached the sky,she sat back and relaxed her body. She was still quiet and it worried me.

"Whats on your mind?" I asked. Her head turned to me and she smiled lightly.

"I'm tired. " she said. I was too.

"Let's rest okay? We woke up pretty early today." I said.

She nodded and I reached over to set he head on my shoulder. I leaned my head into hers.

I waited till she fell asleep, before I fell into a deep sleep.


Guess what! Next chapter is the last!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter. !! My chapter title sucks lol!  WAIT, I FEEEL LIKE CRYING. I LOBVED WRITINF THIS SO MUCH .

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