33. Passionate kiss

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"Jackson,what are you doing?" I asked. He was currently dialing a number constantly. He keeps looking around and answering my questions in a hurry . He is being weird.

"Wendy,let's speak another time." He said, he ran off down the street. I couldn't even ask what happened.

I walked back into the hospital. When I arrived at the spot everyone sat, everyone still had stressed faces. I walked and sat down noticing one thing is missing. Mark.

"Jb oppa....Where is mark?" I asked,calling him oppa really made him my older brother I wanted him to be he was the nicest guy and my brother would surely like him. I remember him telling me he would be my older brother when I was in the hospital. Now I really need someone,and,he is there for me.

"He just went for fresh air he said he wouldn't leave." He said, which made me feel strange.

"But..he wasn't outside, Jackson was.." I said.

"Maybe mark went somewhere,he'll be back." He simply said. He wasn't in his best mood.

I looked over at youngjae. He was staring at me," You should've said texted me." He said.

Youngjae was the first got7 member I was close with. After I met bambam and mark the rest drifted away. Youngjae comforted me when mark was a jerk and when I was new he shook my hand, "I missed you,youngjae. I'm so so sorry," with that said,I hugged him tightly and he slowly wrapped his arms around me. It was nice to have all the people around that can give me hugs If I wanted.

Just then the doctor came up to us,we alls good up waiting for the news about bambam.

"Well, you guys are in luck. Bambam will be okay,but,he had surgery on his head,he damaged an important part. He may forget most events and few people he hasn't really interacted with. This isn't a case of amnesia but just simply losing his ability to recognize things clearly, you can go visit him." He bowed and we all thanked him.

We all walked into the hospital room,me last,behind all the tall males in front of me who were crying tears of joy and pity. They all surrounded the bed and youngjae brought me to stand by him.

"Hey Hyung!" Bambam said in the most cheerful voice. It was so cheerful it shocked me,i haven't seen him this happy since high school.

Jb smiled and instantly collapsed on the floor,crying loudly. He yelled and held his head between his hands. Bambam shifted a little to look at Jb,bambam smiled sweetly,"Hyung,Don't cry! Everything will get better!" Again, the cheerful bambam broke everyone as tears fell down from all the members eyes. Tears fell from mine. Knowing bambam is all cheery,is so nice but wait till he gets reminded of what's going on. He knows it,but he isn't thinking of it at the moment,until someone reminds him.

Jb got up and smiled,"That's right bambam,everything will get better." He rubbed his arm and bambam held his hand.

Jb bitterly smiled,before walking out. I guess he really couldn't hide his tears. His disappointment.

I just stood behind all the members who threw questions at him. Yugyeom was really pushing it,he constantly asked about nonsense. Bambam looked overwhelmed, his face was puzzled.

"Guys stop!" I raised my voice. They all turned and looked at me. Youngjae walked over to me and layer his hand on my shoulder.

"Wendy, Calm down." He said.

"I won't calm down,I can't calm down! You guys don't understand the trouble I'm going through. The reason bambam is in here,is because of me. The reason mark was depressed is because of me. Why can't I just go die!" I yelled and all the thoughts of how they felt ,shot through me causing pain. Youngjae tried to hold me down but I escaped the hospital room and ran down the hallway out the exit.

When I got outside the darkness fell over me with the hints of yellow street lights. Tears were in my eyes and I began to slow down and walk.

I decided to head back to my apartments rooftop,where all this started. Alone in the cold breeze up above the city lights. I didn't want to be alone,in fact,I didn't even want to leave Korea,but I had to.

When I reached the rooftop I slowly opened the squeaky door. There I saw a figure and it scared me a little. Once the person turned around I knew exactly who it was,and why they came up here.

"Mark." I said.

He half smiled and came up to me. Without saying a word he cupped my cheeks and stared into my eyes. Instantly making my heart melt.

"Is it..." He started,lookin into my eyes,"Alright if I'm the one to go this time?" He asked.

I just stared at him,his eyes were puffy. The way he looked at me,his eyes finally moved,lookin further down my face. He looked at my lips.

Was this a goodbye?

Without warning, he kissed me. Right when he put his lips on mine tears ran down my face. I knew he would never change his mind. He was never that kind of person.

He let go of my face and dropped his hand down to my waist,as our lips smashed together. I wrapped my arms around his neck. By then he had gotten more passionate,breathing hard and moving his head.

I tried to pull back,as I did so he instantly pushed his lips back into mine. An endless kiss this was. He's barely kissed me,this was our first passionate kiss.

I was getting frustrated at this point,he didn't want to speak,so he kissed me instead, I needed to know his reason.

I pushed him lightly,and he finally got the hint that I needed him off of me. When he pulled away he stared in my eyes with a worried look,"Was...." He hesitated to ask the question I knew he was going to ask,"Was I too rough?" He finally finished.

I didn't know if I should've said yes or no,so I just cleared my throat and looked to the side,"Mark. Where are you going then?"

After I asked that,silence fell upon us. I watched as his eyes glistened in the little light that was up here with us.

He finally answered,"Since you're going back to Korea with got7 , I'm staying here. I think I'm going to quite." He said and looked down.

That was the last thing I thought I'd ever hear him say. The last thing I wanted him to say. May be me and mark were not meant to be together.

"I think I need to leave." I said. When I reached the door to go downstairs he called my name.

"Wendy," he started,making me grip on the doorknob hard,"I love you so much."

Those words broke me. I slowly turned around. Watching him stare at me,"Stay  with my members,stay with bambam." He said, I finally get what he was saying.

When he is away from us,I have bambam? Of course he's my friend. But I can't be his girlfriend.

"Mark. You messed up. Your only thinking of yourself. You-" I got cut off by my cell phone,

It was my boyfriend. I looked at my phone then up at mark who was now,right in front of me.

"You don't need me Wendy. You are the one that messed up."


Omg this was stupid ): hope you guys liked this, I don't know how to write kissing scenes omg.



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