2.You're Got7?!?

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Youngjae led me through the line. After I punched in my lunch number , we went to go sit down. All the girls looked so excited to see Youngjae. We were the first ones at his table. Then a group of boys came in and all the girls screamed and watched them sit at our table.

"Hey guys!" Youngjae said as they sat down.

One of the guys pointed at me and asked "who's this?"

"Ah,I almost forgot" he said. He then put his hand on my shoulder and then said, "Everyone,this is the new girl in me and marks home room." He smiled at me.

"Oh" they all said. Then one of them waved and smiled at me. I just awkwardly smiled back.

"Wendy,From left to right is Jb,jinyoung or you can call him jr.,yugyeom And bambam."

Bambam came and sat next to me,"I hope to be good friends with you noona" his soft voice shocked me. He was so...cute?.

"Noona?" Jr. Questioned Bambam.

"Yeah,she's older than me! I can just tell!" He said.

"How old are you,wendy?" Jb asked.

"Oh,i'm seventeen" I smiled "My birthday is may 5th 1997"

"See! She is my noona. I'm sixteen" Bambam said excitedly and then looked at me. I just smiled and looked down at my tray.

All of a sudden I heard more screaming as I watched two guys walk in. It was mark!

He came and sat at our table with his other friend.

The guy smiled at me and the looked at youngjae,"who?....."

"Oh,jackson this is wendy! She just moved to this school today."

"Oh, It's nice to meet you" he smiled very brightly and then turned around to mark who was staring at me.... a cold gaze. Jackson nudged him and said "Say hi to wendy"

He then stood up and went to the vending machine across the cafateria and jackson followed.

I sat there and looked down into my lap. I felt upset for some reason. I dont think he likes me.

"Wendy?" Someone said. I looked up seeing all the guys looking at me in worry. "Whats' wrong?"

I looked at youngjae and said "Does....Mark not like me?".

He then looked at Jb. Jb then said, " No,Mark is just shy,Don't worry!" He smiled.

"Okay. Well is lunch about over?" I asked.

"Why? Is noona bored?" Bambam said and then gasped.

"No,bambam" i smiled at him

"It's just...I dont wanna sit here when mark comes back. I want him to enjoy his lunch and with me here I dont think he will." I said and looked down.

Jb stood up,"Then... do you want Got7 to give you a tour?"

"Im sorry,but,what's.....Got7?" I asked. They all gasped and even bambam scooted away from me.

"You didnt know we are a idol group named got7?" Jr. asked looking shocked.

"Wait....you guys are an idol group?" I asked as i stood up,I backed up hitting someone,making milk spill all over my shirt.

"Noona" Bambam came running over to me "Are you okay?"

I said nothing but saw mark standing there "Aish,watch it" he said angrily.

"Oh,im really sorry mark. I'll clean your shoes." I bent down,trying to wipe his shoes but then he stepped away

He then said, "I don't need your help." He then added , "Next time watch where you're going."

I watched him walk away and I noticed the whole cafatiria watching me. I turned around and saw jackson and bambam infront of me.

"Sorry" jackson quickly said before he ran after mark.

"Noona,are you okay?" Bambam asked now putting his hand under my chin lifting my head up,"Noona don't cry,he's only upset because those were his special shoes"

Tears rolling down my face, I said "It's okay bambam,i'm okay". I slowly grabbed his wrist and took his hand away from my face.

I turned around and saw the rest of got7 standing there.

"Wendy...you okay?" Jr and jb both said.

"Wendy,wanna go back to class now" youngjae said to me. I looked into his eyes,they were calm and warm.

I nodded and started walking and stopped as I heard bambam say,"Noona,I hope you feel better soon!".

I turned around and gave him and thumbs up and then waved at the rest of Got7.

"Let's go" Youngjae said.

We turned around and started walking to class.


umm seems like no one is really reading this. but if you do start. please comment and vote. (: i really wanna write the kinda story i like to read. so yeah. if your reading this comment and tell me if its good.

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