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Wendy's POV

I followed him to his living room and sat on the couch across from him,"so.." I said. Trying to make it less awkward but then said,"This is kind of awkward."

"Not to me,I feel comfortable around you,wanna watch some t.v?" He stared in my eyes as he told me that,I could tell he meant it. I got nervous.

"oh..uh. I don't know?" I stuttered. I have no idea why I get so flustered.

"oh..um. I'll take that as a no" he said as he laughed.

I just shook my head smiling and took out my phone. I got a message from youngjae:

youngjae:'schools over. wanna hang out at my place,although my other members will be there. Is it okay? Mark told me he's not going to be there.'

Wendy:'oh..actually I'm already out of school and I'm with bambam. He already brought me to your guys' place. So hurry over!'

youngjae: 'Okay,I'm on my way,but, why did you and bambam leave early?'

Wendy:'You didn't see what happened?'

youngjae:' No..why? Are you okay?'

Wendy:'let's talk about it later..see you in a little bit'

youngjae:'Okay. bye.'

"Who's texts were you smiling at?" bambam asks looking serious.

"Oh I wasn't smiling but I was texting youngjae,he's coming soon. I told him this morning I'd hang out with him. You can join." I said smiling . Although I didn't get a smile back from him.

"oh,well. I'm going to just stay home..i don't like to do things on Friday night except for watching horror films and eating. " He said with a straight face.

"Oh. That sounds like so much fun! i wanna do that too" i said,and right away a smile came on his face

"Oh. but i watch them at night time..." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"okay?..." i said confused.

"Your a girl..." he said.

"oh...i forgot that its weird for a girl to stay late at a guys house."i said kinda chuckling.

" yeah....but hey! its alright we can just ask your brother...Do you think he'll say yes?" he asked.

"most likely..no. but i can ask--" i stopped. I just remembered. my brother is probably looking for me..,"BAMBAM" i yelled he looked up from his phone startled.

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