30. Leaving

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Wendy's POV.

" Got7 Fighting!" Mark yelled,Holding my hands tightly.

"Mark,I really thank you for being there for me." I said to mark staring Into his eyes. He looked at me and his eyes are filed with tears. I know he didn't want to do this. Only for me.

"Mark,I want to leave this world with you. So we can be together till the end."

Mark just stared at me,loosening his grip on my hands but I tightened it,"I love you mark." I said.

He looked at me and smiled," I love you too,Wendy."

"Oppa,let's count down." I said. He smiled when I called him oppa.

"One." Mark said quietly.

"TWO!" I yelled, he looked at me and tears spill out of his eyes.

"MARK! WENDY! STOP!" I heard a yell.

I was shocked to see bambam standing there. Alone in the empty doorway.

"Bambam?" Mark whispered enough for only me to hear it. He sounded relieved.

Bambam fell to the ground. Onto his knees and cried. He screamed,Hearing and seeing bambam cry broke my heart. I have no idea what he has been through.

Mark ran over to bambam. Hugging him saying he was sorry. They were both crying dramatically.

"Mark,you have everything you need. Family,Got7,a nice career. For me I have nothing. I have nothing but myself,who I really just want to get rid of. " I said,looking at the view in front of me. I couldn't live anymore,with myself.

"Wendy...please." Bambam choked out,he sounded like he was in so much pain and he was. I heard him sob more.

"Wendy get down from there. RIGHT NOW!" mark yelled. He was now behind me. He didn't know when or if I was going to jump. He grabbed my wrist,the same feeling of when we were in high school,when he told me I ruined his day. He left a mark on my wrist and with his grip right now I'm pretty sure he made another.

"Mark. Let me go. I'm not important,I'm stupid and a waist of your time. Please just let me go!" I yelled," Mark I don't want you anymore." I said.

It turned silent all I could hear was the wind blowing heavily and the horns of cars as they drove right beneath me. I feel alone even when mark is holding onto me,because I'm so used to him being gone,I still can't believe he is right here,ready to stay with me.

"Do you really want to do this to yourself?" Mark asked in anger,I heard him scoff while saying those words.

I didn't answer but let those words sink into me,I let his voice ring in my ears. The wind blew harder. Making a can rattle loudly. The only thing I can see is little blurred lights as tears filled my eyes and dropped. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"WILL YOU AT LEAST SPEAK!" mark yelled at the top of his lungs,I couldn't hold all this in any longer.

"I'M TRYING TO THINK-" I started to yell but i stopped,"Mark are we really meant to be?" I whispered In a shaky tone.

Mark suddenly let go of my arm leaving it to hang there with a heavy weight,making me feel abandoned. Mark sighed,"Wendy,I know you have a boyfriend. So don't act like you care about me anymore. If you're going to waist your time crying over me,when your the one that left,and you have a boyfriend then don't be like this. Because I honestly don't give a damn,if you have a boyfriend or not .I'm not going to cling onto you and try to take you away from someone that loves you now. "

I heard a faint,"Come on bambam." And that's when a shock of pain flowed through my veins and straight into my heart. He was going to leave me,he was going to let me jump.

"So were over?" I asked. Clenching my fist to get myself to not cry as hard as I want.

"We were over two years ago. When you left me. " mark said. my tears came out harder than ever. I cried and sobbed loudly. The wind blew on my face making my tears feel cold to my face .I heard mark steps further away.

"So your just going to leave me like this? To jump off alone?" I asked and footsteps stopped.

I heard fast foot steps towards me and mark yanked my arm making me stumble backwards down from the ledge and into marks embrace. Feeling his warmth I haven't felt for two years,it was sincere. I can't be with him. He won't stay in L.A and I have a boyfriend.

"Mark. I have a boyfriend now." I said. He let go of me slowly,letting the cold air crawl onto my body again.

"So,this is it?" He said with his hand on my cheek," This is where our suffering ends?" He stared at me. With sparkling eyes from the tears he held in.

"Mark I'll miss you. You will be traveling around the world,and I'll be home. Possibly thinking of you once in a while. We will never come to an end,because you are my first love and I will never forget you." I said while crying. I hiccupped a few times.

"let's leave." Mark said. He started to walk but I just watched him. He turned around.

" Aren't you coming?" He asked.

"You go first mark. I wanna see you leave. " I said with a smile,a fake one. I was completely hurt, after he leaves I will end everything. The fact that I'm still hurt and he will move on,hurts me. I might as well leave alone.

"Wendy,you sure-" I cut him off.

"Just go mark,I need to see you go. To see you are okay." I said.

He turned around,but,he turned towards me again,"Where is bambam?" He asked panicked,and I started to panic as well. Bambam watched as we cried and hugged. He must've been hurt we didn't even mention him.

"Wendy. Take care." We heard bambam. He was standing at the doorway. The doorway light was off,all we saw was his figure and it occurred to me that he was most likely so hurt,he was crying and didn't want me to see him.

I ran over to him,only a few feet away I asked," Bambam,are you okay?"

He laughed I still couldn't see his face but he sounded a bit weird,"Bambam?" Mark came next to me.

He slowly came forward revealing his face,"Guys,Please be together."

His face wasn't normal. He looked run down with his unnatural pale skin and blood red eyes. He looked sick. His cheeks were sunken in and no longer had his chubby cheeks. He was out of it.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. He just weakly laughed and walked up to mark. He put his hand on marks shoulder.

"I think I should leave. This isn't over. I will go myself. I have suffered enough." That's all he said before bambam completely collapsed onto the ground.

Me and mark watched as bambam was now laying there unconscious. He hit his head hard on the ground,blood surrounded his head.


This book will not end soon,by the looks of it. Its sad right now,I hope you are not bored with all this!I hope this isn't cliche or too dramatic.

Don't forget Jb and Jackson went out looking for mark. As well!  Sorry if this was crappy. I kind of rushed a little I wanted to keep my promise of updating on time!.

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