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"Yah! what are you doing to my sister?" I turned and saw my brother, Kris.

"Kris!" I yelled. I ran over to him and jumped in his arms,crying.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I just shook my head a smiled weakly. he smiled back and put his full attention on mark.

"yah! you punk. what were you doing to my sister? " kris asked mark

Just then Bambam came running in the room,"Noona!" he came to hug me then said,"mark hyung,why did you do that to wendy?"

We all looked at mark. he coldly smirked and then said,"I do what I want." he rolled his eyes and walked out of the classroom.

"Kris,just let it go for now. sorry oppa I'll be more careful." I said and hugged him .

I suddenly heard bambams voice,"Noona,I'm sorry about Mark hyung." he then turned to Kris and said," Hyung. I can keep mark away from Wendy. "

Kris nodded and then said "okay. Wendy let's go home. I'll talk to your teacher tomarrow."

we were about to leave,I turned back to bambam once more,but he looked rather sad,"Kris.can I talk to bambam for a second? you can go ahead."

He nodded and I gave him one last smile making sure he'll know I'll be okay.

I walked over to bambam who was standing with his head down. I walked in front of him,"what's wrong bambam?" I asked. he looked up.

he smiled and scratched the back of his neck while saying,"ah,um...."

he was about to finish but Kris called my name. I looked at bambam and he smiled saying,"ah,its..nothing. you can go noona."

I shook my head and turned around slowly..waiting for him to say something. I turned around again asking,"are you...sure its nothing?"

"A~ noona its nothing" he weakly laughed,"see you tomarrow!" he waved.

"ah,okay.if you need anything,get my number from youngjae." I waved and walked out.

When I got home I took a shower and went straight to bed 'why is it always me who has trouble' I asked myself. I looked at my phone. 'two new messages'

one was from youngjae and the other was from an unknown number. I read youngjaes first it read,

'Wendy,is everything going well? I hope mark isn't bothering you.'

ugh I didn't even reply today. I started typing,

'sorry I didn't reply youngjae. nothing really happend.'-wendy

then he replied,

'well that's good. Do you know what's wrong with bambam? He wont talk to us."-youngjae

'no. when I left he said he had something to tell me but then ended up saying it was nothing. He looked really upset to me though.' - Wendy

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