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Okay. There is mistakes. Forgive me guys!

I sat up slowly feeling the soreness in my body. Wendy sitting at the other end of the couch, looked up noticing I was awake and quickly turned around and wiped the wetness from her eyes. I scooted over to her,now sitting shoulder to shoulder.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her. My voice sounding a little deeper than usual due to the fact that I had just woken up. The early morning was dark. It was 8:00 am. Snow was falling softly through the air.

"Mark. Do you think we are meant to be?" She said. She had her phone in her hands and I glanced at the screen. She was texting someone.

"Of course. I love you Wendy. You will always be with me." I said touching her cheek softly,"Babe you can tell me what's on your mind."

"Mark. Why are you calling me that?" She stared at her dimmed phone screen,I couldn't read it from my view.

"Because you're mine." I said.

"Mark. That's what I need to fix. I have a boyfriend who needs me..." She said.

"But do you need him?" I asked. She looked at me. Not sure if she was angry,or just upset. I cupped her cheeks.

"Mark st-"

"I can't stop. I need you babe." I said. I leaned into kiss her. She grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly. She was nervous. This while time we dated we never kissed this much. I know it made her nervous. I slowly pulled back just so I could put my forehead on hers,"Can I?" I asked her.

"Mark, please...." She stopped and tears slid down her face,I waited for her to finish as my thumbs wiped away her tears on both cheeks,"Please...don't stay here. Come with me to Korea, let's be happy. Okay? Continue your career. Please mark. Please." She said in a pleading tone.

I thought for a while,if all this is going to be resolved so easily like this,why don't I just do it?

The long silence let me think more. Our for heads still together. I stared at her lips that were quivering.

"Babe,let's go find my members. I have to apologize to them." I said lightly, her eyes got bigger and a small smile formed on her face.

"You'll come with me?" She asked.

I smiled,and tilted my head into kiss her. The kiss almost got deep but I didn't want this to last long. I had to go apologize.

I pulled away,"Mark- wait... Oppa. What am I going to do with my boyfriend?"

"Oh. That's right. You'll just have to tell him. Unless you want to stay with him..." I said.

"No oppa. I don't. Let me call him. " she said. I nodded and she quickly ran to a room and closed the door.

I stood up and stretched. Making myself yawn. I had just woken up and my day is already good. It hasn't been like this in a while.


I sat in the hotel room,with bambams head on my lap as he layed down,"Hyung. When will Hyung come back?"

"I don't know bambam. Don't wait for him. At least we get a break from work right?" I said.

Bambam laughed and nodded."That's right Hyung." He said while laughing lightly. It slowly faded into a silence.

"Where is Jb Hyung then?" Bambam asked.

"Aish, you ask too many questions." I said and slapped his shoulder lightly.

"Ow,Hyung that hurt my head." He told me,I forgot he hurt his head by falling.

"Jackson and bambam. Me and Jr. Are going to take a walk...make sure you watch youngjae and yugyeom okay?" Jb said.

"In that snow? Hyung you'll get sick." I told him. He just shrugged before walking out the door,with Jr close behind him.

"YUGYEOM-AH" Bambam yelled for the maknae and he flew around the corner,

"What is it?" Yugyeom asked.

"Can you hand me my medication?" Bambam asked. Yugyeom looked at bambam in a weird way before hesitantly walking to the room to go get it.

"Bambam?" I asked. He hummed in response,"What medication are you taking?"

"Depression medication. I'm starting to feel down again. I know I should solve it on my own but,I can't fix my broken heart alone." Bambam said in a small voice.

"Bambam,you cant take medication without permission," I said to him.

"I know Hyung. I'm sorry." Bambam said. One sniffle was heard and a wet spot formed on my thigh. He was crying. He must really be depressed.

We told him everything,back at the hospital ,and he took it pretty well. He did become sad again. But he is better than before.

Yugyeom gave him the pill bottle and bambam sat up and opened the bottle and took one. He gave yugyeom the bottle back and yugyeom hesitantly took it with him.

"Hyung,I don't want to be here. I want to go back to Thailand." He said laying his head back onto my lap.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed.

Just then the door opened and Jr. And Jb walked in.

"That was fast." I said,

"Its snowing really hard, so we came back." Jb said,

They went to the bed and Jb layed down,and Jr. Plopped next to him. They lay there on their phones.

A knock on the door was heard and it was continuous. The knocking got louder and faster,

"AISH SHUT U-" JB Swung open the door and mark and Wendy stood there.

"Jb, I need to speak to all of you."



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