15.jealousy? *Short chapter*

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Marks POV.

I walked to my room and slammed the door behind me.

Jackson looked up in shock and moved his laptop so I could sit by him. I walked over to him and layed down beside him with my hand resting on my forehead.

"What's up? Did woo-hyun find it rude we were all in our rooms?" he asked me.

"No....its just, he told me not to 'mess' with Wendy...he told me he came to get her back. I swear I almost beat him up" I said in anger.

"Yah! calm down. You just need to relax....." he paused for a second and asked me another question, "So you really like her,don't you?"

"Yeah.....although we haven't spent much time together. We will soon. starting tomorrow during school." I said.

"Dude....look,she will get haters. She's a girl,hanging with mark,that has the whole school falling for him,she won't make it without trouble,same goes for the rest of our members,but you,your fans are crazy...so watch out." Jackson said to me.

"Yeah,I know...." I said really thinking about it,should I not be with her during school?

Wendy's POV.

After visiting Kris,who still hasn't awaken,bambam and I decided to stop by a river, to relax and have a talk.

We both sat down on the bench and I sighed letting all of the breath I held in from stress,at the hospital,out.

I looked over to bambams phone,he was currently on,at who he was texting.

"yugyeom-ah,stay out of the room tonight Sleep with jb and youngjae Hyung,I need to be alone."

Yugyeom is typing...

'but Hyung,that's not fair...'

'I don't care,go to bed now,we have school tomorrow, I'm coming home soon,bye'

"What's so interesting?" bambam asked me.

"Oh I was just seeing what time it was.." I said awkwardly.

"Sometimes...." he started,staring at the flowing water," I honestly just want to jump in..and never come out." he said shocking me.

"But you won't because,I'm here for you no matter what.." I said.


"Let me call mark so I can tell him to pick us up now. " I said.

"Okay,we have school tomorrow too,we have to get to bed" bambam said.

I just can't wait to see mark...

I called him,"Mark,come pick us up now were at the river by the hospital."

"Um okay,I'll be there bye" he said fast and hung up,he sounded a bit angry.

Mark...I want him to be mine...

Guys this is short and all but I hope you enjoyed,I just at least needed to continue. sorry for all the short chapters. but I'm working on my markson fanfic!

I'm pre-writing so you don't have to wait for me to keep writing it


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