36.break up

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"I hope you know,Jackson is pissed." Jb said.in a whisper so Jackson wouldn't hear.

I walked in and everyone was in the living room area. Jackson looked at me angrily and stood up fast. He grabbed my collar making me almost choke,"Do you have any idea what you did?!WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Jackson yelled in my face. He pushed me to the ground.

He got on top of me and punched me multiple times,my vision blurred and ringing started in my ears,all I could hear were slurred yells of all my members,Jacksons knee was digging into my stomach. I gasped for air as he was lifted off. The room was spinning  all i saw were my members surrounding me.


"Wendy,You okay?" I watched as Wendy looked at the passed out mark in the bed.

"Yeah,but mark isn't." She said with a bitter smile. She really cares for mark,I can see it. They haven't even experienced their love yet.

I stood there and smiled at her,She looked at me weirdly.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that? " She giggled.

"Because I'm happy your my little sibling." I said smiling.

"Okay oppa." She said to me. She looked down and back up at mark.

I didn't know weather to walk out or stay,so I slowly turned around to leave but Wendy called my name,"Oppa,what if..." She paused,"ah,never mind. But,can you tell mark that I had to meet a friend. I have to meet someone somewhere." She said to me.

"Um sure,who's your friend?" I asked and she looked away,"Ah,just hurry and go!" I said.

She walked by me,and hugged me," Thank you,for being here for me." And she talked away.

I walked over to the bed looking at the unconscious mark on the bed. He never deserved this. Even if he was trying to cut off all contact,we all knew,its was for a reason.

Jackson Walked in with a crying bambam behind him. Jackson looked full of guilt," What is it bambam?" I asked and bambam and just came over and hugged me.

"Hyung, I'm sorry." Jackson said with his head down.

"its okay,this was bound to happen. "Jackson looked up,"Really. Just be careful not to lose yourself when he wakes up"

"Wendy?" Mark spoke in a groggily tone.

"Mark? Are you awake?" Jackson asked as mark sat up,holding his head.

"Of course stupid,If I was asleep I wouldn't be talking." Mark said to Jackson. Jackson looked as if he forced himself not to smile,happy that mark doesn't exactly hate him. This kind of joking never was serious,only out of love.

"mark Hyung, I'm sorry,please forgive me. I will make it up to you,anything you want Hyung."

" okay,do the laundry for a year." Mark said smiling proudly,while Jackson frowned.

"Okay,Guys stop. Mark rest for a little bit,Wendy went out to go meet up with a friend." I said, before getting up.

"What friend?" Mark asked,I knew it was her boyfriend but I decided not to get him worked up.

"I don't know, but it was a girl for sure..." I tried to lie, mark didn't seem to be believe me but he just laid his head against the head board and nodded.

I left the room.


"why did you try to leave idiot..." I said to mark. Even if he is older than me,mark doesn't care about that stuff with me,since we are close in age.

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