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Marks POV.

"Wendy,don't leave now...please!" I yelled across the parking lot.

She never turned around,but ,just kept walking away wiping the tears in her eyes.

"Wendy! Please!" I yelled again.

I heard all my members behind me,asking me what's going on.

"Mark,what just happened? " jb asked.

I stood up and walked back to the dorm,knowing for sure,send would leave and this is the last time I'd see her.


Wendys POV

With the money Kris gave me,I bought a plan ticket,that will leave in 6 hours.So I'll sleep during that time .

After I slept I woke up and got ready for my day,my flight is soon,I'll take a taxi there.

I looked around my house one more time before closing the door and heading for the taxi waiting outside. I wake over and put my bags in the trunk and got in,paying the driver before heading off.

Staring out of the window I thought about mark,Listening to 'lost' by park hyo shin.

He must be really hurt,but he didn't really do anything,he let me slip out of his grasp. Like it was only natural.

After a few hours of the drive I made it to the airport. I walked in,m flight is in an hour.

I got out my phone,mark didn't call me once. Should I call him?

My thumb hovered over marks name in my contacts. I clicked it.

The phone rang about three times before he picked up,sounding quite upset.

"Hello?" He answered,his voice muffled.

"Mark,I'm leaving soon ,tell everyone I said thank you for everything. Especially you,for being there when I needed you,but I'm sorry that can't happen now.." I said.

He signed heavily,"Its nothing. Have a safe flight,take care..." He mumble and hung up.

I dropped my hand down,He is hurt,and I'm hurt too....I can't believe this is happening,I ruind everything.


Marks POV.

I lay down on my bed thinking of Wendy,she is gone....How do I even get her back.

My phone rang and I looked at it,it said Wendy.

"Hello?" I said In a low voice.

"Mark,I'm leaving soon ,tell everyone I said thank you for everything. Especially you,for being there when I needed you,but I'm sorry that can't happen now.." She said,it made m feel better that she called....but I'm not Happy.

I signed heavily,"Its nothing. Have a safe flight,take care..." I mumble and hang up.

I stared at the ceiling...I need to see her again!

I jumped up and got to my car speeding off to he airport,I need to say a proper goodbye.

At the airport

I got here I short time,her flight is soon...

I ran around,hoping no one will recognize me with my hoodie and sunglasses and black mask covering my mouth.

I spotted a girl standing up after a flight was being announced.


"WENDY!" I yelled. She turned a around but didn't spot me so I ran after her.

I grabbed her wrist and she turned around.

"Who are you?" She asked with a shocked face. I forgot I was all covered up.

"mark..." I whispered and suddenly hugged her.

"Its time to board my flight..I'm sorry." She slipped out of my grasp and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Wendy..." Is all I could say.

"Mark,I'll wait for you..." She said and picked u my hand,and touched it before walking away.

As she was walking she turned and waved. I slowly waved still in the same place not moving an inch but my arm barely waving.

I watched her disappear  into the crowd of people. Honestly a small tear rolled down my cheek.

That was the last I saw of her... She's gone....

I'll come for you,just wait.



I feel like this is all so random¯\_((︶︿︶))_/¯ I really hope this made sense ad that you enjoyed it,this is short too,but not as short as the other one.

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