16. Falling for him...totally *Short chapter*

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Marks POV.

She suddenly turned her whole body in the seat to face me. which made the car shake as well.

"You scared me!" I said,she giggled.

"Mark...what do you think about me?" she said looking at me feircly while rubbing my arm up and down.

I gulped.

"I... I have to know your feelings?" I said.

She grabbed both of my hands, "You know you like me.... I know you like me.."

I wasn't sure if this was even her.


"Oh mark...isn't it hot in here?" she said. Before even pulling up her shirt,revealing her black spaghetti strap shirt under it.

Her skin looked soft,her collar bone popped out making her look sexy....


She held my hand again.."Mark...I want you,real bad." she whispered in my ear.

when did she get so close...

"Mark....mark....mark" she called my name seductively, But it faded into a voice,that I hear 24/7

"Mark! wake up its time to go pick up Wendy!" I heard a yell.

"YAH!!!" I heard a loud yell and someone jumped on me.


"Get off,stupid." I said angrily.

"Dude..I know you like Wendy,but I watched you have that dream,you mumbled a lot of things." he playfully smirked at me.

"Shut up...you know I never dream like that,unlike you, remember your dream about the girl who grabbed you backstage at a concert and kis-"

"Enough!" he yelled and left.

I got up to go to my car...but I didn't want to go alone.

"Yah! Jr.!" I yelled

He came out of jb and youngjae 's room still laughing at something.

"Wanna come with me to go pick up bambam and Wendy?" I asked

"Sure let me grab my sunglasses "

I walked to the car and got in. I was now waiting for Jr.

What kind of dream was that? Wendy isn't that kind of person....rightI'm not that kind of person either...why did I dream like that. Did I say everything out loud?

"Yah! let's go mark."Jr snapped me out of my thoughts.

" Oh....okay." I said and drove to the river.

As we arrived I didn't see bambam,only seeing wendy there.


I got out of the car,telling Jr. to stay in the car.

I ran over to her,"what's wrong? is everything okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me,and stared into my eyes.

"What is it" I asked,cupping her cheeks and wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Mark,I just broke bambams heart,because i have to save mine for the person I have fallen for." she said.

"Where is he?" I asked

  "I told him that I have to save my love for the someone o have fallen and he got up and sadly ran away,I've never seen bambam sad,it breaks my heart,he is such a bright kid." she told me,still crying.

"Its okay,this has happened before. I will help him get through,me and him are way close." I said.

"But you can't help him"

"why?" I asked.

"He already hates you" she said.


"Because......" she looked into my eyes and grabbed my hand that was on her cheek and caressed it with her thumb,

"Mark,I've totally fallen for you..."

Don't Hate Me!!!!! I'm sorry for the short chapters!!!! I'm writing my markson fanfic! wait for it okay?

Please vote!!!!!!! share this story too!!!! love you guyssss!!! (: <3


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