Winnipeg day one

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"Alex we are here " my brother had woken me up on the plane as we are landing so I have some time to wake up and get ready to board off the plane.
Hello / beounquor Welcome to Winnipeg
A flight attendant announced through the speaker of the plane. Jack
had passed me my stuff and we were getting off the plane and as I didn't know the team he had been drafted to was there waiting and very welcoming came and said hello a couple players offered us a place to stay untill we get a place to live.

Paul marries our head coach said "we need to all get ready to meet at the air port to welcom the addition to our team and be nice and greet him"and I think his sister is coming to. But as I live alone some of us were going to hang out and get to know them after we greet them at the air port and offer them a place to stay untill they get one. And I wouldn't mind having company I mean sure ! "Hi I'm Paul marrise you must be jack" coach said to him he smiled and said " yes nice to meet you and this is my sister Alexandra" she was shy I could tell but nice and pretty we all introduced our selfs. I waited. After Tyler and Troubs was me and wheeler I said go ahead to wheeler and then I went. I reached my hand out to shake his and said " hi nice to meet you I'm mark Scheifele, heard lots of great things out you" he said the usual things back and then I said Glad you could join the team!" And then his  sister Alexandra I think pipped up and said hey I'm Alexandra. She was so cute and her voice is so sweet it just  soothes the air surrounding. "Hi I'm mark" I managed to say but I was just looking at her eyes. We locked in eye contact it was amazing and then troubs was making fun of me for "making a move" I guess you could say and so I punched him playfully and he went to introduce him self but the way he did it was just to piss me off and make me jealous plus he has a girlfriend like what the hell I pulled him off to the side after his little greet session " what the hell man I like her and obviously you could tell because you know me we are best friends so stop you have a girl. I've been waiting so omg for something real like
Fuck off man I like her and this could be a good fresh start just be happy for me once" he agreed and said sorry he was just playing around so I said it was ok. Me and Jacob have been friends for awhile now. We are just so good together we like to have a good time and joke around !

I couldn't help but look at mark he was very attractive and kind I mean I have hardly spoke to him and I just met him but I can tell he's different than other guys who would take advantage of meeting a girl and just playing them. but I mean like it's me and a attractive hockey  player what am I saying. I have no chance. We finally left the air port to go and hang out with the guys to get to know them. We went to Blake wheelers house and his wife made snacks they turned on some music and I went to meet the wives and girlfriends of the guys for something to do. I'm very shy so it was kinda hard but I did it and I like them. Jacobs girl friend Chelsea is super nice and they are all so pretty. "so Alex do you have a boy friend?" Sam (Blake wheelers wife) asked me " um no not at the moment ha" I kinda chuckled and just had gotten the fear of saying no out of my head and it felt good but I wanna be somebody's somebody again I loved that feeling. " oh that sucks but what about one of the guys I mean some of them aren't married I think you have a good chance" she winched and I smiled I thought it was a good idea. I had to go to the bathroom and so I got up and left the girls in the kitchen. I had gotten a tour of the house at the beginning but I think I'm lost already I heard someone behind me and so turned around looking lost" lost?" Questioned a smiling good looking man who I recognized to be mark and I blushed the way he looked at me "yah can you help me find the bathroom" I asked quitetly he took my hand so softly and guided me in the direction I couldn't help but have a smile on my face and it's like as if I never wanted his hand to left go of mine !

(Sappy isn't it 😂😂😂)

I thanked him and he looked deeply in my eyes with his crystal blue eyes and I couldn't help but fall for him he whispered softly into my ear "any time" and left back to the guys and I was left speechless 😶 😊....... times passed I used the washroom and washed up went back to the girls and I had a smile on my face they all asked almost in sync what's the big smile for. I said nothing and then ( I don't know if nic ehlers has a girlfriend but in here he does ok) "nooooo nooo honey nic had the same effect on me I couldn't help but smile every time he spoke. Who was it ?!!!" She anxiously asked. " ok it's mark!!!!" I was so happy and they got so excited and we're just squealing "what's all the commotion in here " laughed Blake as he enters the kitchen heading towards his wife and closer behind him is mark I shut my mouth and look the other way and Jacobs girlfriend Chelsea just smiled at me and leaves us close together I'll make sure to thank her later I think to myself sarcastically 😂 "Alex, do you mind if I call you that" his deep voice says so quite that only I can hear sends shivers down my spine and I just smile and nod he looks at me like in a way he is saying kiss me. Well to me that's what I want him to say. Mean while the girls are still standing behind me whispering and smiling I can just tell and the Blake blurts out "cool it mark there bud she is new don't scare her" he says while putting pizza in his mouth I go closer to marks ear and whisper so he can only hear "I don't get scared that easy" with a smirk I walk away still having no idea where I'm going 😑😊

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