first day !!

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i am currently two months pregnant, i also start my first day of work, when i was living with brendan i went to university i grauated to be a teacher, i have always loved kids. i was never really good at school but i love going. not only to get out of being at home but i loved seeing my freinds everyday. school was like my only happy place. and so i want to provide that safe and happy environment for kids who were like me and i want them to enjoy at least being in my class. i am a resource in the morning for grade 8-12 and i teach whatever subject any teacher needs help with so its kind of like im teaching them or ill be subbing in the afternoon. but the small school i am going to is out in the country outside of winnipeg, i am quite familiar with this school because as a kid i went to school there, did i forget to mention i grew up in canada out side of winnipeg, well anyway thats why i am familiar with the city and i wanted to go back to the place where i was happy just to make other people happy. i took vocals in university and another thing you may not know about me is that i am related to the paul brothers, pam their mother was my mom aunt so i danced world wide with one of jake pauls friends tessa brooks untill i injured my knee and couldnt anymore thats another thing i like to offer other people or kids my skills and dancing was a big part of my life so passing that on to other people is really to me so in this school i will be doing alot. it doesnt help that im starting and already going to have to leave because i am pregnant. "babe wake up" i woke up to marks beautifull eyes staring into mine "ya i know " i say rolling over "Babe its your first day wake up come on its going to be a good day for both of us, i have game which your coming to after your first day of work at your school today should be quite special" he says now on top of me "well you on top off me is a little distracting i say smiling and kiss him"hey dont distract me im trying to help you not be late missy"he says kissing my nose and leaving the room. i got up and did my usual morning stuff and mark made me some breakfast and i ate. he wanted to drive me out to school and i told him no but he insisted so he drove me."whitemouth is a little town and everyone knows everyone. its kinda cool but you cant come out because im sure they will recongnize you. everyone likes hockey and sports here." i say 

"hahaha funny" he says sarcastically 

"im not joking"

"what are you embarssed of me or of being with me?" he asked 

"oh my go-no,nn nnn nnn no, god no is that what you think? ha no of course not never! i want the whole fucking world to know your my boy friend." "IM DATING NHL STAR WINNIPEG JET, TOP CENTER MAN MARK SCHEIFELE. of course, i want everyone to know. but i know its such a small school and i dont want people to look at me differently or treat me an differently because im with you. they will find out eventually but just not today!!!" is say to him 

"ya i guess your right" he sighs and kisses my nose 

"im always right" i say and we both laugh, i love these moments i get to share laughing with  him. this is one of the many reasons i love him 

 i finally show him where to turn and pull in "we are here" i say and he smiles but that soon turnes into a frown. "what wrong" i ask with a sad tone 

" well for one im going to be lonley now with you not being with me during the day, i guess im just not used to it yet. "

"hey ill always be with you during the weekends now with this job all summer and you have me all night." i say with a wink 

"dont start somthing you cant finish alexandra" i love when he says my full name.

i kiss him on the lips and open the truck door to step out "have a good day" he says" will do. i ll text you later k?" "ok love you" LOVE YOU i mouth back and walk into the school im greeted by the principle mr.carter "hi im alexandra wheeler you can call me alex" i say and put my hand forward for him to shake "hi im mike carter nice to meet you, we are glad to have you and this school is thankful to have another teacher with the musical credit and just extra help" he says

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