A Thief

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Nightfall was coming, I could hear them enjoying a meal, Hell, wouldn't be surprised if they took almost all the food from town.
I opened the door into a hallway and noticed one of the windows were open
Me: ah shit.
I saw wet foot prints on the ground, I ran and followed them into Jacques room.
Me: ah shit
I unsheathed my sword and I kicked open the door, I walked in and I looked over by a painting of Jacques on the floor. I looked up to where it was and I saw a figure
Me: hey!

Me: ah shitIt was a female, she turned around completely and threw something at me, it was a blade connected to a wire

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Me: ah shit
It was a female, she turned around completely and threw something at me, it was a blade connected to a wire. It stabbed my shoulder, I winced before I grabbed the wire and pulled her towards me.
3rd POV
The Schnee's were in the dining room, having their feast, while upstairs Y/N was fighting the thief.
Weiss: father, what's your opinion on our new knight?
Jacques: he's......an animal, he's so rude
Whitely: I agree
Weiss: may I ask why you think he's rude?
Jacques: you saw how rude he was to us, he's nothing more than a filthy degenerate
Weiss: I guess you're right
Jacques: don't start caring for knights, they're not humans, they are workers, now, I believe I've lost my appetite, head to bed, both of you.
Weiss and Whitley: yes father
Y/N continued to fight the thief, he managed to throw her out of the room.
Y/N: who the hell are you?
?????: one of the many who were hurt by the Schnee's
Y/N: listen I'm one of them, we don't have to fight
????: sorry, but you should've thought about that traitor
Y/N: ah shit
He charged the thief and tackled her to the ground. She stabbed his shoulder again.
He grabbed her wrist and stood up. He picked her up and threw her through a wall.
Weiss and Whitley were walking down a hallway, unaware of the fight that was taking place on the same floor.
Whitley: he has such disregard for everything, I mean, he's probably destroying the house now.
Right in front of them the wall broke and Y/N hit the window sill.
Y/N: Get Away!
The thief pounced him and started choking him. He punched her stomach and threw her to the side. Weiss and Whitley started running  away from the danger. Y/N looked into the room and saw his sword on the ground. He lunged towards it but was kicked to the side by the thief.
She walked over to the sword and picked it up and smirked at Y/N
Y/N: ah shit
He got up and she started swinging the sword. Y/N caught it and punched her in the face. He then grabbed her and kneed her in the stomach and put her to the ground. She started crying on the ground, holding her stomach.
????: they killed my family...I wanted revenge
Y/N: I'm sorry....I can't let you, as much as it pains me to say it, I have to keep them alive, for my family's sake....here take this.
He threw a small pouch by her legs.
Y/N: I know it won't bring back your family, but it should be able to get you started on a new life
?????: you show great kindness, but that won't stop me from my mission
Y/N: I understand, and I don't want to kill you, do me a favor and go out the window, wherever you came from.
?????: who are you
Y/N: my name is Y/N....and yours
????: I'm Blake.....thank you...may our paths cross again.....on different terms
Y/N: I'll be around, now good night
She jumped out the window and like that she was gone.
Jacques: YOU LET HER LIVE!!!!!?
Y/N: ah shit

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