Like Old Times

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3rd POV
Y/N ran to the front of the castle, he tried to lift the column in front.
Y/N: Dammit. It won't budge.
?????: let us help.
Y/N turned around to see Yang and Cinder in clothes.
Y/N: just got off work?
Cinder: These columns are heavy, we need to lift on three.
Yang: yeah....sounds like a plan.
Y/N: alright...3
They began lifting the column before dropping it a few inches, enough to squeeze in. When Y/N and the other girls ran in they saw white crystals hitting Velvet.
Yang: she has powers?
Y/N: she doesn't.
Weiss swung her sword down and nothing happened, she looked up to see the chambers were empty.
Weiss: oh no.
Velvet: nice charade....but it's done, once I kill you and the Schnee family I will rule this kingdom like you never could.
Weiss shook her sword and ran at Velvet. Velvet stopped Weiss and grabbed her throat. Velvet then took her sword and put it through Weiss, making her gasp as it went in with ease. Velvet smiled until one of her ears began twitching.
Velvet: what the fu-
Y/N was screaming with rage as he tackled Velvet and ran with her. He slammed her into one of the walls, making one of the columns crack. Y/N went to punch her before she ducked and he ended punching the cracked column, making it collapse and fall in front of the throne. Velvet got her bearings and looked at Y/N and his bloody knuckles, it looked like he jammed his hand into red dyes.
Y/N: Yang! Cinder!
The girls looked at Y/N.
Y/N: get Weiss, Pyrrha and everyone out of here! Pyrrha will surely be with Whitley!
Yang and Cinder: right!
Cinder ran up to grab Weiss, Velvet was ready to launch until Y/N decked her in the face and slammed her to the ground.
Yang: let's go Jacques.
Jacques: I am your king!
Yang: I don't care!
She picked up Jacques and threw him out the window and ran down the halls. Y/N pulled out his sword and Velvet grabbed hers and they both clashed so hard that the windows in the main hall shattered.
Velvet: you should be dead!
Y/N: like old times?
Velvet's eyes widened before Y/N kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the face. Yang ran down the hall and ripped open Whitley's room.
Whitley: what are you doing here?!
Pyrrha: Yang!
She ran up and hugged Yang.
Whitley: what is going on?!
Yang: evacuation.
Whitley: I am the future king! You listen he-
A large amount of debris crushed Whitley, making a blood splatter, a few drops landing on Pyrrha and Yang.
Yang: that's....satisfying.
Pyrrha: it really is.....
Meanwhile Y/N threw Velvet into the throne, breaking the back of it.
Y/N: no help now, I didn't want it to come to this Velvet, but you finally pushed it.
Velvet: she's nothing more than a Schnee, she will leave you in the dust the moment she gets the opportunity!
Y/N: I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, for now, go to Hell.
Y/N slammed his foot down on her throat, killing her instantly. He stood up straight and ran out of the castle with Pyrrha and Yang. The army outside began fading away, Destructonus was about to impale Adam before he started fading, dropping the sword right in between his legs. Blake got up and ran to him.
Blake: are you okay?
Adam: did it hit!?
Blake: no
Adam: thank God!
Y/N kicked open the field hospital door and ran in to see Weiss. He grabbed her hand and stood by her.
Weiss: Y/N.....I'm sorry.
Y/N: save your strength.
Weiss: Y/N, You need to hear this....I like you a lot, I know you probably know and I don't remember if I told may have been a dream, but I really do love you.
Y/N: I love you to Weiss.....

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