All is Explained P.2

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Me: I didn't kill anyone when I was apart of that cult
Weiss: you're lying
Me: no I'm not, the first time I killed someone was after I left, 4 months after, he tried to steal my horse, which is also dead because I've never threw a knife before
Weiss: that's sickening
Me: well it's nice to know I'm back on your shit list
Weiss: why didn't you tell me?
Me: because you're a fucking princess, and I'm a poor asshole who has to put up with the Schnees because if they don't like one thing who suffers for it, my fucking people.
I started to get up.
Weiss: your stitches will tear
Me: you did stitches?
Weiss: wasn't mentioned because no one really needed to know
Me: well...I'm still getting up
Weiss: you'll bleed
Me: it's either that or continue this conversation
Weiss: just tell me...who is Velvet?
Me: how in the fu-
Weiss: you talk in your sleep sometimes
I got up and the stitches began tearing.
Me: tell me what you think I am? I'll say if you're on the dot or not
Weiss: a liar and a murderer
Me: liar yes, murderer no, I used to beat the shit out of people, but I never killed, I left after that orphanage fire, I wanted nothing to do with them, now if you need me, I'm going to continue my "knightly" duties
Weiss: I can tell my father who you are
Me: go ahead, I don't care at this point in my life, and to think I was starting to actually like a Schnee
3rd POV
She was about to say something before becoming speechless.
Y/N: tell me when I'm fired
He then left her sight, she then sat down crying. Pyrrha walked in.
Pyrrha: where did he go?
Weiss: he left....I should've listened to him
Pyrrha: cut of Death?
Weiss: you know about it
Pyrrha: I didn't get it, but I knew Y/N had it
Weiss: why didn't you stop being his friend
Pyrrha: because I know him, he has killed many people, but it was after he left the cult, he's tough to get along with but once you are his friend, he will stay that way until the day you die.
Weiss: were you atleast close to ditching him?
Pyrrha: of course not, he's my friend, he was always like a big brother to me, he looked out for me, made sure I wasn't hurt, remember in the tavern, that's how he normally is, actions first, questions never.
The sound of screaming was heard from the throne room. Weiss and Pyrrha ran out to the room and saw Whitley smirking and Jacques yelling at Y/N.
Weiss: what is going on?
Jacques: I want you out of my castle murderer! You are no longer a knight! You good for nothing Cultist
Weiss: father
Y/N: thanks Jacques, now I have time
Jacques: time for what?
Y/N: preparing for war
A few guards blocked his path.
Y/N: move those spears or I'm shoving up your fucking asses
They quickly dropped them and put their hands up, he then walked up of the castle, making the doors echo through the throne room.
Whitley: oh what a shame, I thought he would actually be some what decent after a while
Whitley then got up and eyes Weiss and snickered.
Weiss: I'll be right back
Weiss followed Whitley and slammed him against the wall.
Weiss: you told father didn't you?
Whitley: even if I did, what would you do about it
Weiss: I may be rusty, but I still can use glyphs
Whitley: well for your information I didn't tell Father anything
Weiss: then who did?
Whitley: why you won't believe me even if I told you the truth
Weiss: who told him!
Whitley: he showed us the scar himself, followed by saying "look at this wound in all its glory"
Weiss: where is he headed
Whitley: hopefully back under his house made of rocks and sadness
Weiss let him go and went out the window. Whitley walked away and Pyrrha followed Weiss.
Weiss: where does Y/N live Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: follow me
I opened the door to the tavern and Nora waved
Nora: hey Y/N, how are you?
Me: well I was fired, so all is well
Nora: you were fired!?
Me: yep, I showed them my cut and they fired me, best damn feeling in a long time
Nora: what about Pyrrha?
Me: she'll be watched, I have that covered already.
????: hey, you busted up my brother's face a few days ago
Me: oh I'm sorry, tell me, is he dead?
The guy punched me in the face. I felt my lip to see that I was bleeding
Me: alright, I'll tear you a new asshole
I grabbed a bottle of wine and slammed it against his head

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