Drunken Fight

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Pyrrha and I got up.
Pyrrha: it's good to see you, how was your first day?
Me: I fought a thief and was put in a cell because I didn't kill her
Nora: now that even surprises me
Pyrrha: I better get back to work
Me: yeah about that.....little shit turned 15
Pyrrha's smile quickly disappeared.
Pyrrha: you don't mean
Me: I do mean....as much as I will regret saying this, only know that I won't let him pick you, Hell I'll let you pretend to be my girlfriend if needed
Pyrrha: I'll definitely take that offer.
Nora: I'll go get them
She got up and went to the back. From behind Pyrrha I saw a drunk with a huge smile on his face.
Drunk: aye....get me another drink lassie
He then slapped her ass, making Pyrrha jump.
Me: Pyrrha step aside
Weiss: what are you planning to do, we were to get the dancers and get out
Me: I'll have you know princess that Pyrrha here is my best friend.
Pyrrha took a step to the side and I walked up to him.
3rd POV
Drunk: I thought I asked for a drink
Y/N: get up
Drunk: what for?
Y/N: you're going to apologize to her or I will make you scream it
Drunk: fuck off with you lad
Y/N: do it or this gets ugly
The drunk then got up and towered over Y/N.
Drunk: you still have something to say?
Y/N: only this
Y/N then punched the drunk in the stomach, making him spit up some blood.
Pyrrha: Y/N please it's fine, people touch me everyday
Y/N: they never met me
The Drunk punched Y/N in the face, he then picked up a chair and slammed it on top of Y/N. Y/N quickly got up and kicked his knee cap, making a snapping sound.
Drunk: GAH!
Y/N then punched him in the face, sending him back.
Y/N: Pyrrha
Pyrrha: yeah?
Y/N took off his armor and shirt.
Y/N: hold these for a moment please
She held them and Y/N quickly got back in the fight. Y/N then started pummeling the guy, blood was flying with each punch. The drunk then grabbed Y/N's head, got up, then slammed him into the ground. Y/N then wrapped his legs around the guy's arm and started pushing.
Y/N then snapped his arm backwards, making a loud crack that made a everyone cringe. Y/N then put him on his back and started to punch him again and again.
Y/N: Apologize!
Drunk: I'm sorry
Y/N: louder!
Y/N then punched him again.
Drunk: I'm Sorry!
Y/N: Louder!
Y/N readied both his hands to slam them on his head.
Y/N: Pyrrha do you except?
Pyrrha: I do
Y/N: good
Y/N then slammed his fiat on the guy's head, knocking him unconscious.
Weiss: you didn't have to resort to violence
Y/N: that's what makes us different Schnee, I'm a fighter, and you're a princess, do me a favor and leave what I do best to me
Weiss: beating up people to near death?
Y/N: now you're understanding
Nora came back out
Nora: I got....them.....Y/N I was gone for 2 minutes, what did he do?
Y/N: slapped Pyrrha perfect ass
Nora: ah perfect sense, alright....here they are, we have Yang, Pyrrha and Cinder

here they are, we have Yang, Pyrrha and Cinder

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(All credit goes to artists)Y/N: well good news it's only 3, would've been harder to explain with moreWeiss: let's just go, this places makes me sick

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(All credit goes to artists)
Y/N: well good news it's only 3, would've been harder to explain with more
Weiss: let's just go, this places makes me sick.
Y/N: alright, let's go
Cinder: and where exactly are we going?
Y/N: wait a minute.....your last name is Fall right?
Cinder: yes
Y/N: Cinder Fucking Fall, it's me Y/N
She looked at me
Cinder: holy shit!
She ran up and hugged me.
Weiss: oh brother
Cinder: it's been so long
Y/N: how are you
Cinder: well the best you can be while put up for auction....for who by the way?
Y/N: Whitley Schnee
Cinder: oh God that little shit?
Y/N: yep
Weiss: you all really hate my brother don't you?
Yang: we hate all the Schnee's, without them we would be doing so much better, I barely know this Y/N guy but I trust him more than I trust any of the Schnees
Weiss: wow
Y/N: I'm sorry to say ladies, but let's get going
Cinder: it was good seeing you again Y/N, let's hope I'm not the unlucky one
She kissed his cheek, leaving a small burn mark.
Weiss walked out and Y/N followed.
Meanwhile inside the castle
Whitley: father, what if I don't care for any of the girls
Jacques: then this family will go to Hell, Weiss is the only Princess around, and she's your sister, believe me if any other king had a princess I'd let you meet them, then you two would be married, but for now, we must make due
Whitley: yes father
The castle door opened, Y/N walked in with the three girls.
Jacques: why are you bleeding....and have a burn mark
Y/N: a fight and I was kissed, now can we please get this over with
Jacques: not without a speech from my son, now ladies, line up and listen to your future king and if you're lucky....future husband
Y/N: ah shit

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