Mistress of Death

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Weiss POV
Me: who's there?
?????: perceptive child aren't we?
Me: who are you
?????: I am the Mistress of Death
Me: and you're hiding beneath a good because you don't want me to see your face
MOD: of course, and I can see what you want
Me: which is
She put her arm around me, then pointed over at a broken cage
MOD: him.....wherever he went
Me: where is he
MOD: kitchen, making himself a turkey sandwich
Me: I think he could've asked
MOD: with how he thinks of your family I'm surprised he even took this job, but he has a family to feed
Me: what explains his rudeness
MOD: well since a young age he hasn't liked many people, especially your people, he had his friends at JNPR tavern, but that's really it
Me: so he has parent issues?
MOD: I didn't say that
Me: why does father keep him around?
MOD: as much as Jaques hates him, he can't fire him, he is too good a fighter
Me: why are you here?
MOD: getting a look at the Kingdom....I'll see you around
She faded into black smoke. I then made my way to the kitchen to see Y/N eating a sandwich. He looked over at me, then went back to eating.
Me: you really have no shame
Y/N: I think lack of fucks is the proper term
Me: such vile language
Y/N: I would leave....but I'm enjoying this sandwich
How can that Mistress think I could want someone like him.
Y/N: you want a sandwich?
Me: no
Y/N: thought I should ask
Me: how did you break out?
Y/N: forced my way out
Me: you are a beast
Y/N: and you're a Schnee, that's pretty disgraceful already
Me: so you're going to attack the family name? Who do you think you are?!
Y/N: I'm a guy who hates nearly everyone
He finished his sandwich and stretched.
Y/N: welp, back to my cell
Me: maybe you should apologize
Y/N stopped dead in his tracks
Y/N: no
He then continued walking and put his door back on the cell.
Timeskip Morning, Y/N POV
I woke up to a huge splash of water.
Weiss: get up
Me: what the fu-
I was splashed with another bucket of water.
Weiss: you have to guard Whitley, today is his birthday, the day he becomes a "man"
Me: he's turning 15?
Weiss: yes, now get up, they have to bathe you
Me: no!
Weiss: get out of the cell or I'm coming in there to scrub you down myself
Me: you will not touch this man
I got up and kicked open the door. A bunch of servants walked over to me with rags and buckets of water.
One humiliation later
I got my armor on and walked with Weiss over to Jacques
Jacques: I need you to go to JNPR Tavern
Me: what for?
Whitley: watch your tongue
Me: sorry, what for "your highness"?
Jacques: young Prince Whitley is becoming a man, he will need dancers at his party
Me: you're shitting me right
Jacques: leave now with that vile language! And Princess, go with him, make sure he doesn't escape
Outside the castle
Weiss: why do I have to go with you? I mean you're just going to pick up dancers
Me: because I'd probably let them know that they are getting suckered into a Schnee marriage
Weiss: how do you kno-
Me: I know the family history, prince picks which one he likes the best, it's stupid and I hate it, especially meaning my friends marrying that little snot nosed shit
Weiss: as much as I despise you....I'll have to agree
I walked up to the Tavern door and opened it, only to be tackled to the ground by Nora.
Nora: hi Y/N, hows your nightly duties
Me: your knees....are crushing my balls
Nora: oops
She got up and I felt instant relief.
Me: I can honestly say it sucks
Nora: what brings you over here?
Me: today is Whitley's birthday, I'm told to get dancers
Nora: that little shit turned 15? Shocked no one has killed him yet
Me: you'd be surprised...also I'm being watched by the princess
Nora looked over at Weiss and gave her a sour look.
Nora: come in
The three of us went in. From my left I was tackled to the ground again. Pyrrha was wearing her dancing clothing.
Pyrrha: hey Y/N
Me: hi Pyrrha

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