Her Very Own Prince (Ending)

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After a day Weiss opened her eyes again, I was sitting next to her.
Weiss: Y/N?
Me: what's up?
Weiss: what happened while I was unconscious.
Me: not much, you've only been out for a day.
Weiss: what about my father?
Me: glass wounds, he should be fine though.
Weiss: glass?
Me: Yang
Weiss: ah.....what of Whitley?
Me: Pyrrha told me that he died under neath rubble, meaning that you're the heir to the throne now.
Weiss: are you still fired?
Jacques: yes he is!
Me: aren't you supposed to be in your hobble of sadness?
Jacques: watch it! Weiss I have great news, the next Kingdom will be bring a prince! Isn't that exciting?
Weiss sighed and got out of the bed, holding her wound.
Weiss: I already found the man worthy to marry me.
Jacques: even more so that a prince? Who might that be.
She walked over to me and put her hands around my arm.
Weiss: my very own prince.
Jacques: What!? I won't stand for this!
Me: you don't have to stand for it chief, some things are even out of your control, and besides, your daughter had to protect your sorry ass with Velvet. Shouldn't a king be all powerful? She's more royalty than you'll ever be.
Jacques went to punch me before I caught it and bent back his wrist.
Me: do that again and I'll make you a bloody accident.
Jacques: I want you out of my kingdom!
Me: I'm fine with that.
I crushed his hand and let go.
Jacques: Weiss, get over here now!
She didn't move, instead she squeezed my arm tighter.
Jacques: Weiss!
Me: bye Jacques.
I turned around and she followed, I left the tent to see everyone in town.
Pyrrha: you're leaving?
Me: sounds like it.
Pyrrha: I'm coming with you.
Cinder: so will I
Sgt. Ruby: me too
Police Force: right on
Yang: to Hell and back.
Everyone really wanted to get away from this place, shops were closing all over. They all hated Jacques Tyranny.
Weiss: looks like you have fans Y/N.
I looked down and smirked at her. I then grabbed her hand and we walked, soon all the townspeople followed.
3rd POV
Jacques ran out of the tent to try and stop everyone.
Jacques: Stop! I am your king!
Weiss was at the front and flicked him off.
Jacques: you traitors will pay! You all will!
????: hey Schnee, remember us?
He turned around to see Adam and Blake.
Jacques: what do you want?!
Adam: a lot of people are dying to see you, after you're gone we go with them, but that won't be for a while.
He smirked and a bunch of Faunus came out from the trees with their weapons drawn.
Jacques: we can talk this out civilly right?
Adam: you had your chance, countless times, and you blew every single one of them.
They all surrounded him.
Screaming was heard in the distance, but it doesn't seem like anyone cared, they were free.
Weiss: hey Y/N....I have a favor to ask of you.
Me: one for you to.
He picked her up bridal style and then kissed her on the lips. Everyone stopped and applauded. We both looked eachother in the eye and smiled.
Weiss: God I love you.
Me: I love ya too.

And that is it, I hope everyone enjoyed the story, I loved writing this one so much, and thank you to the ones who supported this story.

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