Party Pt. 1

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It's a late evening party guests, or just known as the rich scumbags from other kingdoms, are arriving. Cinder walked out of her room

(Same dress, just without the scar and eye cover)Me: not to bad Cinder

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(Same dress, just without the scar and eye cover)
Me: not to bad Cinder.
Cinder: thanks....I hope it's not me, I hate this place...I was scrubbed down by a 70 year old women with hawk talons for hands.
Me: jeez, hurt that bad?
Cinder: definitely, glad I'm wearing a red dress though, I'm probably bleeding
Yang then walked out of her quarters in her dress

(All credit goes to artist)Yang: though the dress is nice I still hate these peopleMe: sameYang: some 70 year old woman with talons for hands scrubbed me downMe: for both of you it was Agatha, she's an old woman set in her way

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(All credit goes to artist)
Yang: though the dress is nice I still hate these people
Me: same
Yang: some 70 year old woman with talons for hands scrubbed me down
Me: for both of you it was Agatha, she's an old woman set in her way.
Cinder: how do you handle this place?
Me: believe me, I'm not handling it well, I've near punched the boy countless times, the King is just....well you know
Yang: what about the daughter?
Me: she's a Schnee, not like those two, but being a Schnee is enough to ruin my day
Weiss POV
I was around the corner, staying out of his sight.
MOD: afraid? Upset? Angry? Which emotion are you feeling deary?
Me: I don't know....I guess I'm starting to understand....I do like the guy, he fights for what he believes and look how he treats the ladies.
MOD: Y/N has always had that effect on the ladies
Me: you think there's a chance I can dance with him?
MOD: well you can either ask or....I can make it more fun hehehe
Me: what do you have in mind
MOD: I can't say, because what would you and Y/N have to talk about then?
One of the doors opened, I looked around the corner to see the red head.

I can make it more fun heheheMe: what do you have in mindMOD: I can't say, because what would you and Y/N have to talk about then?One of the doors opened, I looked around the corner to see the red head

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(All credit goes to the artist)
MOD: that is Y/N's favorite, best friends since they were kids, he met Cinder shortly after but she moved, so her and Y/N were thick as thieves.
Me: how do you know all of this?
MOD: honey, I know everything, I know when you're going to die
Me: don't let it be soon
MOD: of course not....just don't piss off Y/N for the next three days
Me: why's that?
MOD: day 1, run over by a horse, day 2, you will be shot, and day 3, Y/N will kill you himself, I would give him some distance after this party
Me: can you see when you'll die?
MOD: that my friend I can't tell, it's a curse, I have infinite knowledge, but I know nothing of myself....well best not spoil the event, I'll be watching the party.
She then disappeared into the ground. I then stepped around the corner and walked up to Y/N.
Y/N: what is it now?
I took a deep breath.
Me: Y/N....I would like to dance with you tonight
All the girls looked at me and then at
Y/N, then they started giggling.
Me: what's so funny?
Y/N: they all literally just asked me to dance, just in case one was picked, they wanted me to be their last dance as a free girl.
Me: can I dance with you after Whitley picks?
Y/N: maybe, it depends on what these three do to me
Cinder: alright ladies, who's going first?
Pyrrha: I'd happily take it
Yang: I'm fine with whichever, this is probably one of the last real men in the Kingdom.
Y/N: thanks...we should probably head over
They followed Y/N closely, I still don't know what it is that makes the ladies love him, he's a barbarian.....a strong....handsome barbarian. Brah! Get a hold of yourself.
Jacques: presenting the fair Pyrrha Nikos....Cinder Fall and Yang Xiao Long
The girls all walked out, I was by them as a bodyguard.
Whitley: knight, find a place for them to sit, at midnight tonight, I shall say who I picked
Me: whatever
The rich began talking, going on about how rude I was. I pulled a seat out for the ladies and stood to the side and waited.
Jacques: ah yes Weiss, all you princes out there, this could be your future wife as well, any king who wants to talk with me in private, I will happily accept

Jacques: ah yes Weiss, all you princes out there, this could be your future wife as well, any king who wants to talk with me in private, I will happily accept

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Whitley: come up here Weiss, you don't want to miss this.
Everyone began eating their food, they were in small rich portions, it was a a piece of tuna, in a tiny little dish, with a bunch of those rich people things.
Servant: care for some food Y/N?
Me: I'm fine, thanks
Servant: you haven't eaten anything in days, are you sure?
Me: I am fine, you have enough to deal with these rich mouth breathers
Servant: Knight Y/ certainly have a way with words, you and I should talk sometime....tata
All you could here were the sounds of silverware, with the occasional cough.
Timeskip to the Dance
3rd POV
Whitley: everyone I'm glad you have enjoyed the food and desert, I believe now is the tile for the big dance celebration
Everyone slowly got up and went to the middle of the room, starting with slow music. Whitley saw the ladies flock over to Y/N.
Whitley: father, what are they doing?
Jacques: one will be yours after tonight, let them have their pleasures one last time, because they won't be seeing him that much after tonight
Pyrrha dragged him out to the dance floor.
Pyrrha: ever dance?
Y/N: not a day in my life
Pyrrha: let me teach you, put your hands on my waist, then I'll put my arms around your just move slowly.
Y/N: sure thing Pyrrha....
From the top of the hill a few miles from the Kingdom, the Mistress of Death was watching.
MOD: after your dance with Weiss will be my return Y/N, I know you're just "dying" to see me again hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!

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