Party P.2 & Party Crashing

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Wow, three chapters in one day? I'm once again having a bunch of ideas that are working, I already have so many things planned for the future that I hope you all will enjoy

3rd POV
Everyone was dancing and having the most fun one can possible get at spinning around. Y/N was sweating, he danced with every single young girl at the party, all besides Weiss. She walked up to him and saw he was shining from sweat.
Y/N: I hate dances....I'd rather fight something and lose than to be forced to wear something nice and to dance with a bunch of people.
Weiss: it can't be all bad
Y/N: it only gets worse
Whitley: it is now midnight....I have made my choice, but before we do this....Knight Y/N, stand up...
He stood up and crossed his arms.
Whitley: this man went into town and picked three lovely ladies, it was a very difficult decision, but my choice is........Pyrrha Nikos
Y/N: shit
Whitley: come up here and sit by me.
Pyrrha looked at everyone, including
Y/N, it looks like she wanted to cry.
Whitley: everyone, continue dancing
Fireworks went off outside and the sounds of soldiers screaming was heard
Jacques: pay no attention to them, just hooligans, Y/N, I believe you'll check them out
Y/N: sure....everyone if you're interested in seeing a Barbarian fight, it will be outside
Y/N walked outside and punched the side of the castle, making a huge crack and gap. Weiss followed him outside to see him walking towards the back. He went out and he saw two Faunus, one was the girl from a few nights ago, and a guy with a red sword.
????: who are you
Y/N: I'm going to ask nicely for you two to leave
Blake: Y/N....I respect you, but why even bother with these people?
Y/N: my family needs the money, if you two could please come back tomorrow when I'm not this tired, I promise you it will be a good fight
The guy with the red sword got up and walked towards Y/N.
????: you promise
Y/N: I do
They both shook on it, and the two Faunus left.
Weiss: how do you men handle each other like that?
Y/N: inside of every boy, regardless of species, there's two things we have on our minds, Fighting and Love.....but unless you're a loser, just love
Weiss: Y/N....if you're up for it....would you like to dance?'
Y/N: I don't know
Weiss: it doesn't have to be long....I just want to see what it's like to be one of the others for one night
Y/N looked at her, then he spit on the ground next to him.
Y/N: let's go, you have one minute for this dance, then I'm going back to my duty.
Weiss' face quickly lightened up and she went right next to Y/N. Y/N walked back in
Jacques: ah Knight, who was out there
Y/N: two Faunus, I told them to go away and they complied.
Jacques: I find that hard to believe
Y/N: well even Barbarians have to talk sometimes
Weiss put her arms around Y/N and he put his hands on her waist.
Y/N: your one minute starts now
As they slowly moved around the floor something broke through the window and nailed Y/N in the shoulder putting him to the ground.
Pyrrha: Y/N!
Cinder ran over and put his head on her knees
Y/N: what was that!
MOD: hey Y/N, it's been a while
Y/N looked up and he saw who it was.
Y/N: why....why does it have to be you
He got up and pulled the dart out of his shoulder, then threw it on the ground.
Whitley: what is the meaning of this!
MOD: how can I be so rude....I am the Mistress of Death, I've spoken with your daughter briefly....but your Knight, Y/N....I've known him for years.
Y/N: go back to where you came from
MOD: aw how cute, you still pull that tough guy act like we were 8, ah those were the daysx right Y/N?
Weiss: you know her Y/N?
Y/N: I do
Y/N unsheathed his sword and prepared it.
MOD: after all of these years you still haven't changed that sword of yours? And I thought you were raising money for your family?
Y/N launched at her, but she pulled out a rapier and they collided, making everyone fall to the ground.
MOD: just as predictable as ever
Y/N: I never expected you to return.
She then punched him in the face, making some blood fly.
MOD: look around Y/N....after tonight these people will fear you.
Y/N: I don't give a shit about what they think!
MOD: and what of Pyrrha? She'll be a Schnee soon enough, what a small world
Y/N screamed as he punched the Mistress of Death in the face hidden beneath her cloak.
MOD: child's play
She disappeared, though she continued to slash at Y/N. Making him bleed more and more blood with each cut.
MOD: you make me upset Y/N, I was hoping for more of a bleed
Y/N fell back unconscious and the Mistress sheathed her sword.
MOD: I will be back with an army Jacques, answer my request within 30 days and your kingdom will be spared
Jacques: what do you want?
MOD: I want you to change your ways, if'll definitely be needing a lot more Y/Ns

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