The Ladies

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Whitley began talking out his ass, so I decided to leave.
Jacques: and where do you think you're going?
Me: anywhere else, I'll go scope castle grounds
Whitley: but I must pick a future bride
Cinder: please Y/N....we cant do this without you here
Me: *sigh* fine
I walked back by the girls and stood next to them.
3rd POV
Whitley: I have turned 15 today, which means now I am a man, one of you will be lucky enough to be my bride, but those that aren't not fret, because you will have someone less fortunate like our knight right here.
The girls looked at Y/N who was obviously trying to keep his mouth shut, he was ready to hit the kid. He just glared at him, Pyrrha knew the look way too well.
Pyrrha: calm down Y/N
She put her hand on his shoulder.
Jacques: what do you think you're doing?
Pyrrha: I'm sorry
Jacques: he is none of your concern, he's just a knight, he'll never treat you like Whitley would treat any girl, this knight probably abuses his women!
Y/N's grip on his arm became tighter, his gauntlets began cracking under his strength.
Weiss: father.....Whitley needs to pick
Jacques:'re right, now boy.....pick your future wife
Whitley: let's see.....what are you looking at knight?
Y/N: a good reason
Whitley: a good reason for what?
Y/N: you'll see when I can't find it
Whitley: what is that supposed to mean?
Y/N: oh you will know
Whitley: hmph.....well then let's see here.
He walked up to Pyrrha.
Whitley: hm....
Y/N *whisper*: lay one unprofessional finger on them, any good reason is put the window
Whitley: who do you think you're talking to? I could have you hung by your neck
Jacques: Knight!....up here now
Y/N went up there as he watched his best friend getting looked at by a snot nosed runt. Weiss walked over by Y/N, you could feel the heat coming off his body.
Weiss: take it easy you animal, this should be over soon
Y/N: no mood, none of them wanted to be apart of this, it's my fault they are here....
Weiss: you aren't to blame, it's the way of the King, if you have an issue talk to him
Y/N: and to think Queen Schnee was a princess
Weiss: she father however came to the kingdom to marry her
Y/N: she was the last one before you?
Weiss: yep, she died when I was younger....she was nothing like father or Whitley
Y/N: I find it hard to believe that there was ever a good Schnee
Weiss: she was no Schnee
Y/N: apart of the family though....
Weiss looked up at Y/N, his eyes were locked on Whitley, becoming more and more angry.
Whitley: I believe I have made my decision
Jacques: what is it boy?
Whitley: I believe it should wait until during the party tonight, let everyone get excited
Jacques: you think just like me, I'm glad you're the prince
Y/N looked over at Cinder and Pyrrha, they both looked nervous, but not as afraid as Yang looked, she became shiny all over she was sweating so much.
Jacques: Knight....take these.....ladies to their quarters, they will be scrubbed, and clothed for the occasion.
Y/N: whatever
Jacques: and what bites at you today Knight?
Y/N: same thing that bites everyday "Sire"!
The girls giggled a little bit, easing their stress.
Y/N: let us go ladies
They followed behind him.
Whitley: why don't you hand him father? He's nothing more than trouble!
Jacques: he's too good a fighter, as much as I despise the barbarian I feel as if he's the only one that can truly protect the kingdom
Weiss' eyes widened when she heard this, the Mistress of Death was telling
the truth.
Weiss: shall I help the ladies out with their clothing Father?
Jacques: certainly
Weiss walked off and followed Y/N.
Weiss: Y/N
Y/N: what is it?
Weiss: entertain them when you get to the quarters
Y/N: I protect people, I'm not what you call an entertainer
Weiss: atleast give the girls one thing to look forward too after one is chosen
Y/N: *sigh* fine.....fucking hate the Schnee family
In an old shack on the top of the hill, miles from the kingdom the Mistress of Death watches
MOD: I'll see you soon Y/'ll be like old times

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