Finding Y/N

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Weiss POV
Me: has Y/N returned home?
Mrs. L/N: I thought he was working at the palace, if he's smart he won't return home if he was fired, his father is dead because he waited to long to send a single check
Me: I'm sorry for your loss
Mrs. L/N: sure you are, after all, your family is what caused this
Pyrrha: alright if he isn't here then maybe he's at the....we need to hurry
A man was thrown at the window of the tavern and more sounds of struggle was heard from inside. Pyrrha and I ran in to see a massive bar fight.
3rd POV
Y/N grabbed a drunk's head and slammed it against a table, then another one came at him with a machete. He kicked that one and grabbed his throat and put him to the floor. A guy was going behind Y/N but Nora jumped on his back and put him to the ground. Cinder was on the other side of the bar and she punched someone in the face. Yang grabbed a chair and slammed someone in the back, making it break.
Pyrrha: Y/N!
Y/N: hi Pyrrha
Y/N was punched in the face and was sent breaking a table. The door was kicked in, four police officers ran in, Officer Cardin Winchester, Officer Coco Adel, Sergeant Qrow Branwen, and Deputy Chief Ruby Rose.
Ruby: what is going on in here!?
All the drunks looked at her and immediately stopped fighting.
Everyone besides Weiss and Pyrrha: Sorry Deputy Chief Rose
Ruby: you're disturbing the families around you, you all can continue this fight, but make sure it's quiet, I don't want to come back and arrest some of you, and home for dinner tonight, Dad is making a chicken
Yang: sure thing
Ruby: alright, I'll see you all around
She left and the other officers followed.
Everyone looked at each other and the fight ended.
Y/N: well that was fun
Pyrrha: are you already drinking?
Y/N: of course not, I'm sober, I'm getting ready for war
Weiss: what's this war you're talking about?
Y/N: Why is the Schnee here?
Weiss: just listen
Y/N: never been a good listener, I'm going to go and wait for Velvet's army, she is coming as we speak
Pyrrha: I thought she said one month
Y/N: probably one month in the dimension of Death, which is only a few days here, well it's been fun.
Weiss walked in front of Y/N and put her hand up on his chest.
Weiss: you will stop and listen
Y/N: and why should I
Weiss: because if you don't I won't get everything off my fucking chest you asswipe
Y/N's eyes widened when she said this and sat down.
Y/N: alright, speak
Weiss: I know you don't care, but I'm sorry for assuming you're a murderer
Y/N: I mean I am but for self defense purposes
Weiss: don't cut me off, I'm sorry for how I treated you, I like you Y/N, more than you think, I want another chance, I want to make things right, please....just one more
Y/N got up and looked at her.
Y/N: give me two hours, that's when you'll have your answer, but for now her army is on the way, and I'm going to stop her. You and Pyrrha get back to the castle,  at nightfall all hell will break lose...
Weiss: you can't take on this army alone
Y/N: what can possible go wrong, now get back to the castle, we don't have much time
He ran out and went to the edge of the Kingdom, he pulled out his sword and waited. His grip was tightened and he was ready.
Y/N: come on Velvet, like old times.

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