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I frantically run my hands through my hair. I need to calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby.

Maybe he left for an emergency. Maybe Grayson needed him for something or maybe even his parents.

I pull my phone out of my purse with one hand still perched in my messy hair. I pull up Ethan's contact and hit the call button. It rings twice and goes straight to voice mail.

"No no no no." I say frantically. Maybe his phone's dead I try and convince myself. I let out a loud sigh and hit the button yet again.

It rings three times this time proving that his phone isn't dead and he's just sending me to voicemail. I'm livid now. There's no reason that he should ignore his pregnant girlfriend.

There's definitely no reason good enough for him to leave me here either.

I don't realize I'm crying until the wind picks up and freezes the wet streaks to my red cheeks. "God damn it." I mutter as I send him a text.

Where tf are you?!

This isn't funny Ethan

The texts deliver but I get no response. What the fuck is going on. Why would he do this to me?

Fuck you Ethan

I send the last text and retreat back into the warm hospital.

"Everything okay sweetie?" The receptionist ask with a concerned smile. "Oh uh yeah it's just my ride isn't here yet." I lie.

"You're more than welcome to wait in here. It's awful cold out." Yeah no shit lady. I think I'd know considering my boyfriend just left me here with no ride and I stood out there blowing up his phone while freezing my boobs off.

Jesus, I'm so livid right now. The pregnant hormones definitely don't help either.

I plop down on one of the leather chairs while I look down at my lock screen. There's a picture of Ethan and I. He's placing a kiss on my cheek as I smile at the camera.

For some reason the picture only makes me more mad. Not to mention there's no text from him popping up on my screen. I can't believe him.

I knew he was nervous about the baby but I didn't think he was this scared. I rub my hands over my face with frustration.

I unlock my phone and go to the next trustworthy contact in my phone, Grayson. I hit the call button.

"Hello?" He answers on the third ring. "Hey Gray could you come pick me up from the doctors office?" I ask nipping at my nails in anticipation.

"Sure. I'll be right there. Where's Ethan?" I can hear the confusion in his voice but I sigh in relief when he agrees to coming to get me.

"I don't know gray." I say honestly as I sit my hand back in my lap. "I'll be there in 10." He says quickly.

"I owe you one." I smile softly at him for being such a good friend when I need him to be. "Don't worry about it." He mutters before I hit the red button at the bottom of the screen.

The Art of Wasting Time ~ g.d.Where stories live. Discover now