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"Violet." My name rings through the waiting room for the second time today. My head snaps towards the glass doors to see an out of breath Grayson.

"Care to explain what's going on?" He ask as I walk to him and he follows me out the doors. "Honestly I don't know what to say. Ethan wasn't at home?" I ask scrunching my eyebrows together. He shakes his head no.

He unlocks his G wagon with his key fob as we approach it. I swing the door open quickly due to the cold.

We both climb into the car and Grayson turns to me, almost begging me to fill him in.

"He told me he was going to the bathroom." I mutter lookin out the window. I don't want to make eye contact with Grayson right now.

"I came out after my appointment and he was gone without telling me where he went. When I tried calling him he sent me straight to voice mail." I choke up at the end.

"Violet.." Grayson sighs rubbing his large hand up and down my back. "I'm sure he was just nervous and he didn't know what to do. He'll be back in the morning." He mutters. I just nod as small tears stream down my face.


I hated seeing her cry and I hated the fact that my brother left her at the doctors office by herself. He should be here for her. She shouldn't have to do all of this alone.

I pull out of the parking lot as Violet stares out the window. She's quiet. She doesn't dare say anything.

I'll definitely be calling my brother when we get home. I want a full explanation of what the fuck he thinks he's doing.

She doesn't deserve this. She's young and pregnant. She needs support.

As we pull into our driveway she's quick to unfasten her seatbelt. As soon as I put the car in park she's out of the car.

I let out a sigh as I jump out with my keys in hand. She waits at the door for me to unlock it.

I swing the door open and I let her go in first because I can tell she's cold. "I'm gonna call him." I tell her. She just nods and makes her way towards our couch.

I pull my thin phone out of my pocket and pull up Ethan's contact. I hit the call button and listen to it ring. It only rings two times and goes straight to voice mail. "What the fuck." I mutter as I lean against the island and try again.

Again only two rings. I angrily set my phone down on the counter. I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

I make my way towards the living room. "He won't answer my calls either." I sigh. Violet buries her face in her hands.

"Why would he do this?" She ask obviously confused. I sit next to her and rub her petite back once again. "I don't know babe. I don't know." I say barely above a whisper.

The Art of Wasting Time ~ g.d.Where stories live. Discover now