The Offer

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    I nearly crushed the glowing red eyed demon sitting on Dylan's night stand. I opened my eyes a crack, the room was dark. The only way I could tell it was morning was because a soft light filtered through the cracks in the blinds. I rolled off the bed, makeing a soft thump as I hit the ground.

    "You ok?" Dylan looked over the side of her bed. I lifted up my head and groaned before pushing my face back into the floor.

    "why do we have to go to school now? Its too early." I grumbled into the floor. Dylan sighed.

    "If we arn't up by the time mom gets up here, she'll turn on the light." Dylan stood up and popped her back. I slowly got up from the floor and started to get ready for school.

*********Later on at school**********

    *RING* I packed up my folder and started walking towards the cafeteria. I glanced behind me every once in a while, it felt like I was being watched. When I got to the cafiteria, I quickly grabbed my food and nearly ran over to our table.

    "Hey Mel! Haven't seen you in a while." Riley smiled as I sat down next to him.

   "Why does Dylan keep telling us that you made out with you know who?" Steven gave me a curious look and I just looked down at my salad. After poking it for a few seconds I shrugged and looked up. They were all looking at me.

    "I'll tell you guys tonight over skype, when there are less people around." I poked my salad a few more times before takeing a bite. Suddenly i got the feeling of being watched again. I looked up and around the cafetiria. Suddenly I made eye contact with a brown haired boy. His eyes widened a little bit and he quickly looked over at a girl with long brown hair next to him. I stared at him for a little bit longer before quickly finishing my salad and standing up to go confront him. Half way across the cafiteria, the bell rang. I lost track of the boy and the girl but the feeling of being watched didn't leave me the entire day. I began to feel more and more paranoid. When the last bell rang I dragged Dylan to her car as fast as I could, but stopped in my tracks when I saw the two people from the cafeteria standing idilly by Dylan's car.

    "What's going on?" Dylan asked as she crossed her arms. I dragged her a safe distence from the car.

    "I've got a weird feeling about those two, they've been watching me all day. You drive home I'll teleport." I looked over at the two teens by Dylans car. They hadn't noticed us yet. She shruged and walked over to her car while I went back into the school. I walked down a few hallways before I found a janitors closet. I went in, changed to my slender being form, and teleported home. After a few minutes Dylan walked in and we went on Skype. After explaining everything that happened yesterday to our friends, the room was dead silent.

    "So....your dateing slenderman now?" Shelby asked while I face palmed.

    "No we arn't dateing." I groaned. "We're friends though."

    "Aww....that's harsh......puting Slendy in the friend zone like that?" Sadie teased. I rolled my eyes.

    "Yea whatever, think what you want. Just know, I can't do much if you piss off Slendy." I replied. The rest of the night went smoothly and eventually we had to get off skype before, 'We get too tired to function.' According to Dylans mom. So we got off skype and went to sleep. It seemed like right when I closed my eyes, I was woken up again by being dropped onto the floor. I jumped up and noticed a fight going on between three figures. I looked over at Dylan to see her staring wide eyed at the fight. Once my eyes adjusted, I understood why. In front of me; Slenderman, and two deamon looking creatures fought. I felt my blood boil as I changed into my slender being form and wrapped my tentacles around everyone in the room execpt Dylan. "What the fuck is going on!" I hissed at the group. No one said anything. "Dylan, get the holy water." I kept my gaze on the entites in front of me while speaking to Dylan. Dylan quickly jumped up and ran to the closet and pulled out the squirt bottle. At the sight of the squrt bottle Slenderman started talking.

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