A very relevant being from the past

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     So for those of you who have been waiting two months for this update (I am so sorry); Mel and friends are all hiding out in The Observers cave for the "rebirth of Zalgo" which is suppose to be a very dangerous time for all non-minions of Zalgo. Mel's friend's families are (in some way) workers of The Observer(side note, Mel's friends haven't shown up for a while but they are not dead, I promise). Mel's insanity that she got from Zalgo is becoming worse and the "little boy" who appears is only visible to her. He torments her and now wants her to die(even though only she can see him, he can still inflict damage that others can see). The Observer has left for a gathering of the "Great Powers"(Zalgo, Slenderman, The Angle Flamma, Vitalis, The Guide, and himself), he has predicted that he will not return and has given specific instructions to Trevor. Mel is developing these future powers(She can also shape shift and has a "shadow form")

    Also, Trevor probably has a huge crush on Mel, but just doesn't want to admit it(which is sad because Mel loves Slenderman...... ; ) hehe).

*Mel pov*

    I shot up in my bed, gasping. Beside me, Trevor jerked up. He probably dosed off... I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on top of them, with my arms wrapped around my shins. Closing my eyes, I went over the "dreams" I had just witnessed. 

    "Hey, did you see something? From the future I mean." Trevor broke the silence. I nodded and mumbled a "mmh-hmm". I could tell he was waiting for me to tell him what I saw. He cleared his throat after it was obvious I wasn't talking. "What did you see?" He asked gently. I let go of my shins and crossed my legs, propping my hands behind me for support. 

    "I-I saw us. We were in one of the lower parts of the cave. There were lots of demons, and angles, and just.....monsters. I guess." I furrowed my brow as I remembered the weird creatures I saw. "You were talking about how these people and dad-" I broke off my sentence and took a deep breath, trying to keep my voice steady. "-were taken, b-by these......gods I think." I took another deep breath and looked over at him. "Who is The Angle Flamma, and Vitalis? and that other one....the something-or-other." 

    "The Guide." He nodded. "Yes they were all taken by three powerful enemies." 

    "Any way, there were some people there that seemed important. There were two guys and a girl that I've never seen before and the two demons that  wanted me to join Zalgo's side." I looked back over at him to see he was deep in thought. "but you didn't like those two for some reason and asked for their sister or something. Apparently she's hiding somewhere." I stopped as I started to make the connection between the three visions I saw. That brown haired demon......was she their sister?!  "In the next vision I think I saw their sister disappear and hide in a shabby house....with this lady and an angle with black wings." 

    "Black wings?" Trevor asked thoughtfully. 

    "Uhh huh." I replied, slightly confused. He got up off the bed and straightened his shirt. I threw my legs over the side. "What does that mean?" I asked, confused. He smiled and motioned for me to follow him. I stood up and wobbled on my feet a bit, thrown off by the added weight of my body. "Where are we going?" I asked as I followed him to the screen teleporter thingy.

    "Archives." He replied casually over his shoulder. "We need to find this fallen angel that appeared in your dreams."

*The Observer pov*

    "I love you too, and Trevor." I turned the corner and fought the stinging sensation behind my eyes as I teleported to the meeting spot.

    "Observer! Glad to see you made it." I was greeted by The Guide at the end of large corridor that led to a larger-looking room. 

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